Meet Information

Division I Championship Meets 5th -6th and 7/8th

The 5/6th Grade Championship Meets will be held  on Monday, April 29th at St. Thomas Moore High School. Hosted by SPES, Meet Director: Brady Bell

The 7/8th Grader Championship Meet will be held on Tuesday, April 30th at Catholic High School, New Iberia.

Hosted by CHNI, Meet Director: Andrea Broussard

The Meet times will be 4:15 Field Events and 5:30 Running Events beginning with the 3200.

 Athletes should arrive at 3:30 and report to a  TEAM AREA



4:15pm-4:45pmBoys Javelin and Girls Javelin (7th and 8th ONLY)

4:15pm-4:45pmGirls Shot and Boys Discus

4:45pm-5:15pmBoys Shot and Girls Discus


4:30pm Boys High Jump followed by Girls High Jump

4:30pm Girls Long Jump followed by Boys Long Jump

5:00pmGirls Triple Jump followed by Boys Triple Jump

Weights for Throwing implements:

Shot Put Boys and Girls-8lbs (Shot will be provided at meets)

Discus-1 kilo

Javelin (7th and 8th grade only) 600 gram (HS girls javelin) 


5:30 Boys and Girls 3200 Meter Run during field events.

Running Events Start in this order with girls heat then boys heat:

100 Low Hurdles 

4x200 Relay

100 Meter Dash

800 Meter Run

4x100 Relay

400 Meter Dash

1600 Meter Run

200 meter Dash

4x400 Relay

Entry of athletes:

1. ONLY 3 athletes per event, 2 relay teams, and a max of 5 athletes in  1600 and 2300  Athletes can participate in a maximum of 4 events per meet.

2. Only the top 2 from each school will count for awards and points

3. Championship Scoring will be as follows 1st-2nd-3rd-4th-5th-6th will count as 10-8-6-4-2-1 in both individual and relay events.

4. All Entries will be made on MileSplit.  The DEADLINE for all Entries is 5th/ 6th -Sunday April 28th at 6PM and 7/8th Monday April 29 at 6PM.  NO CHANGES CAN BE MADE AFTER THE DEADLINE.  Emails were sent on April 22nd from Andrea Broussard with the invitation to MileSplit. 

5. No Jewelry

6. Only Coaches and Athletes on the infield all parents should be in the stands and all athletes not competing should be in their team area.

7. All athletes must wear full school issued team uniforms.

8. If a false start occurs the starter will warn the entire field.  If a false start occurs after the warning, the athlete will be disqualified from the race.

9. Shot Put, Discus, and Javelin -3 Throws

10. Long Jump and Triple Jump-3 Jumps

11. High Jump 3 misses out (Bar will start at lowest athletes personal record)

Meet Fees will cover Timing and Awards 

Please send your checks to the following schools:

SPES: Timing Fee $800 Awards $260- Divided by 6 schools $176

Please make your check payable to St. Pius Elementary Attention:  Brady Bell

CHNI: Timing Fee $800, Awards S224 Divided by 6 schools  $170

Please make your check payable  to CHNI for $170 Attention Andrea Broussard

Event Assignments:  Please bring a tape  measure if your events requires one.


Start / Awards   St. Pius 

Shot Put : CHNI 

Discus: Cathedral 

Long Jump / Triple Jump : Fatima 

High Jump : St Gen

Javelin: St. Michaels


Start   CHNI 

Shot Put : St. Pius 

Discus: St. Michaels 

Long Jump / Triple Jump : Fatima 

High Jump : St Gen

Awards: Cathedral