Meet Result Formatting

There are three main ways to get your results into the system in order to get your athletes the recognition they deserve!  If you have any questions feel free to ask!

- Hytek (Non-PDF) results:  If your meet results are sent to us (or linked from the meeting timing) in non-PDF Hytek we can easily enter those results into the system.  This process only takes 20-30 minutes per meet and is the easiest of all formats for us to enter.  If you send us Hytek results in PDF format, the results are no longer in the easily recognizable format for our system and may not be entered in our database.

- Directathletics results: Direct Athletics is another route that is just as easy for us to enter into our system so if your results get uploaded to DA, it is a cinch for us to get them on Milesplit.

- Lastly, the spreadsheet route is the third way we can get them onto the website.  It requires a good bit of extra work on the end of the coaches, but if you want the results posted it is the only other way to get them into the database.  A sample spreadsheet can be found here.  A quick explanation is: You need five columns in spreadsheet or Excel.  The first column/first row must be the full name of the event with the correct amount of meters or miles if it is a track event. Boys 4x400 Meter Relay, Girls 3200 Meter Run, etc.  Under that, on the second row/second column put Place, followed by the next columns on the second row being Name, School, and Mark.  Under each column just provide the correct information.  Use "-" to signify distance between feet and inches for field events.  Thanks for your help!