Interviews: Breaux, Festervan, Goettert, R. Sanders, J. Sanders, Pierce, Ehrhardt, Accardo, Darling

LA#11 Fontainebleau's Jeff Sanders(15:39)

How Many Years have you been running
I've ran all my life. My mom says I was a wild child and never could stay in one place. I played soccer when I was little so maybe thats how my running started. I didnt begin competive running until 7th grade on the jr high track team. When I finished 8th grade track my coach thought I should join the cross country team and I thought he was crazy. I highest race I ran in jr high was the 1600m and I thought I would die. Then I caved in and joined.

What got you started on running
As I said I always ran everywhere. I guess it started in 2000 watching the Oylimpic races and I thought they were amazing. I never thought thou that I would be living the sport as well. Now that I've seen what I can do, running has become a HUGE part of my life.

What's your typical week of mileage/ training consist of
A typical week of training consist of speed workouts and distance runs. im not sure the milage I get in a week though because the speed and distance workouts change everyweek.

Thoughts on your Coach
COACH THIEL ROCKS!!!!!! He has been a great coach ever since I was a small freshmen. He has pushed me in a lot of ways and helped me in difficult times. He believes in me and knowing that makes me want to push my hardest every practice and every race.

Favorite/ most memorable race you have run this year/and in your career
My most memorable race this year is the Newman race. It was my very first CC victory ever and it felt great to feel what all the other top runners feel after winning a race. After that I, I pushed myself to win more. Also my team won as well and it was our first victory in the 3 years I've been on the team. That day was a double victory. My most memorable race of all time was my first experience in the Cross Country State Championship. I saw the world through my freshmen eyes and thought "Wow, so this is a state championship." I remember the day like yesterday. I was the only freshmen on the team at state. When I woke up the day of the race, my stomach was jumping. I thought I was going to throw up. Luckly I did'nt. I was so nervous about the race. When we pullled up and saw all the teams, I couldn't believe I was being able to experience it. I wanted to end my season off with a high note. i finished 14th in 5A and PRed. I was the happiest kid in the world. I felt as thou I won the state race. It felf that good. My mom gave me that biggest hug and my coach came up and said "That a boy" and gave me the biggest hug ever. I'll never forget that day.

Are you looking forward/ getting excited about the state meet
Of course Im getting excited. I am getting nervous just thinking about it. I'm looking forward to compete with all the top 5A runners and try to win it..

Who do you consider your biggest rival in state both individually and as a team
I consider my biggest rival to be Luke Dessauer from St Pauls. He has been my rival ever since 8th grade track. He pushes me and I push him in every race we compete against. He's a great runner. St. Pauls has to be out biggest rival as well. We always want to be closer to them as each race goes by. Every week I ask Coach If St Pauls is going to be at the race.

What's your motivation to keep pushing in races when you're out front alone and know you have it won
Same thing I tell myself in very race. "Go, Go, Go. Show them how good you are. Wow them. Even if you hurting you got a week to recover." aka. also a song always comes in my head and I dont know why

What is/ were your goals for this season/ and do you feel you have met them/will meet them
As every season comes I always want to pr. I got that goal at Walker by going from a 15:56 to a 15:39. Big PR. My goal for the season is to achieve another pr and also to win state. People may think thats crazy but i think i can do it.

Any superstitions
race day rituals
YES!!!! so many. I always have to listen to a certain song every race day. I have a pair of lucky socks that I have worn all the time. Also my buddy Neal Fischer and I have a small tradition that we started on freshmen track. We do this little lucky handshake before a race.

What do you do when you are not running/hobbies etc
What other kids do I guess. Go see movies, hang out with friends, I draw a little bit, swim at our local fitness center with friends, EAT EAT EAT, and just sometimes hang back and relax with family.

Are you going to continue running in college
Which colleges are you considering
Running in college is absoluty what I want to do in college. I cant think of stop running. Im not sure of what colleges I want to run for. I just starting the fun of college hunting. I'll take whatever comes at me.

Who is someone you look to as a role model (running and non)
I have to say that my role model is my grandpa. Every week he wants to know how my race went and I am always glad to share the news. He believes that i can accomplish more than i think and makes me want to do better. Also another on is my older sister Hope. She as well has pushed me to reach any dream I want. She puts all my articles in her college dorm and tells all her friends "Thats my brother." I love her so much. Both my grandpa and sister have encouraged me to not be afraid to go and take a chance.

If you could tell a young and upcoming runner one thing that helped you reach where you are right now what would it be
Don't ever think you can't be great. You are in control of your future and don't let anyone tell you anything else. Train your butt off and don't give up. You'll reach it.

How's it feel to have the 8th fastest time in Louisiana this year
When you show up to a meet do you feel others are intimidated and how do you keep yourself humble with the amount of success you have enjoyed
It feels great to be that high ranked in La this year. Im very happy because I know it wasnt handed to me, I had to work my butt off through rainy, sunny, windy, and HUMID practices. When I show up at races I dont pay attention to the other runners. I focused on myself and how i will perform today. After I accomplish success in a meet, I show my happiness in myself but dont over do it. I go wild in my mind and then i congraduate other runners when the finish.

LA#13 LaGrange's Kenneth Pierce (15:44)

How Many Years have you been running?
Since 8th grade, just playing around, then seriously when I moved to LaGrange in the middle of my 10th grade year.

What got you started on running?
I used to watch the olympics on t.v. and thought it would be really cool to do some of the things that they do. I found out I could run in p.e. I used to beat everyone going around the block, so thats how it started.

What's your typical week of mileage/ training consist of?
Well before this year it was around 35-49, now my senior year its jumped to 50-69.

Thoughts on your Coach
My coach and I have a very unique loose relationship, that not many other coaches and runners have.

Favorite/ most memorable race you have run this year/and in your career?
Most memorable would be the regional 2 mile race at UL-L my sophomore year, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th all finishing within a 1/2 second of each other. I barely outkicked everyone in that race, 10:16.

Are you looking forward/ getting excited about the state meet?
Very much, it will be my last high school cross country meet, and I wanna go out on top.

Who do you consider your biggest rival in state both individually and as a team?
Richie aka Richie Rich and Alex aka A-Man!

What's your motivation to keep pushing in races when you're out front alone and know you have it won?
Events that take place after I race, relaxing, eating, joking, having fun!

What is/ were your goals for this season/ and do you feel you have met them/will meet them?
To win the state cross country meet. We'll see ;)

Any superstitions? race day rituals?
I used to, but my coach helped me realize no matter how much little stuff you do, like special pair of socks, or that certain song, the work you've done will show up in the race no matter what you do as long as you prepare properly.

What do you do when you are not running/hobbies etc?
School, hang out with my friends, work, my life basically revolves around running.

Are you going to continue running in college? Which colleges are you considering?
Yes, UL-L, Northwestern, McNeese, im taking anything I can get.

Who is someone you look to as a role model (running and non)?
My dad, God, Banister, Pre.

If you could tell a young and upcoming runner one thing that helped
you reach where you are right now what would it be? No matter what people say, what they tell you, what matters is how much drive you have, if you have heart, thats all you'll ever need!

How's it feel to have the 9th fastest time in Louisiana this year?
When you show up to a meet do you feel others are intimidated and how do you keep yourself humble with the amount of success you have enjoyed? I'm not satisfied with 9th. I guess they do, some joke around, but I just try to remind them and myself that I'm far far from the best, and that you can never be satisfied.