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Airline Viking XC Invitational 2022
Oct 15, 2022
South Bossier Course Recreational Complex
Bossier City, LA
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6th grade boys
6th grade girls
High School Boys 3 mile
High School Girls 3 mile
Middle School Boys 1.5 miles
Middle School Girls 1.5 mile run
6th grade boys
22 entries
Smith, Beckett
Caddo Middle Magnet
Chambers, Jinx
Caddo Middle Magnet
White, Nathan
Cope Middle School
Rubio, Kevin
North Desoto Middle School
McGuirk, Elliot
Caddo Middle Magnet
Reed, Andreckies
Cope Middle School
Tracey, Iorwerth
Caddo Middle Magnet
DiPaul, Parris
Caddo Middle Magnet
Kolniak, Zach
Cope Middle School
Talentchi, Gregorio
North Desoto Middle School
McInnis, Gardner
Caddo Middle Magnet
Acosta, Britton
Caddo Middle Magnet
Chalette, Ben
Cope Middle School
Walker, Chance
Caddo Middle Magnet
Denny, Cam
North Desoto Middle School
Hall, Grayson
Caddo Middle Magnet
Young, Ladavian
Cope Middle School
Pickering, McCade
Caddo Middle Magnet
Bell, Roman
Caddo Middle Magnet
Peterson, Elijah
Cope Middle School
Trevor, Warren
North Desoto Middle School
Lamberth, Rylan
Caddo Middle Magnet
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6th grade girls
35 entries
Bright, Harper
Caddo Middle Magnet
ward, zayla
Cope Middle School
Moore, Kaliya
Cope Middle School
Dick, Kinley
North Desoto Middle School
Schillage, Lizzie
Caddo Middle Magnet
Hester, Annaleigh
Caddo Middle Magnet
Culpepper, Sydney
Cope Middle School
Capps, Hailey
Cope Middle School
Yazzie, Caralyn
Caddo Middle Magnet
Mackey, Quinn
Caddo Middle Magnet
Burgin, Kate
Caddo Middle Magnet
Youngblood, Kaylin
Cope Middle School
Lincoln, Haley
North Desoto Middle School
Shaw, Sophie
Caddo Middle Magnet
Hill, Sha'Khaila
Caddo Middle Magnet
Mayfield, Kinsley
Caddo Middle Magnet
Dominguez, Yvonne
Cope Middle School
Pickett, Casyn
North Desoto Middle School
Ghoston, Jayla
Cope Middle School
McDonnell, Kaleigh
Caddo Middle Magnet
Chandler, Landry
Caddo Middle Magnet
Pickney, Londyn
Cope Middle School
Grant, Audriana
Cope Middle School
Savage, Maddy
Caddo Middle Magnet
Hoffman, Ella
Caddo Middle Magnet
Furlong, June
Caddo Middle Magnet
Porter, Za'Kairea
Cope Middle School
McNabb, Amelia
North Desoto Middle School
Allen, Juliet
Cope Middle School
Price, Callie
Caddo Middle Magnet
Cox, Kate
Caddo Middle Magnet
Lowe, Selena
Cope Middle School
Riley, Carley
Cope Middle School
Walyat, Navya
Caddo Middle Magnet
Johnson, Mabry
Caddo Middle Magnet
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High School Boys 3 mile
28 entries
Jewitt, Johnathan
Woodlawn, Shreveport
Strong, Spencer
Thomason, Owen
Calvary Baptist
Thornell, Karson
Claiborne Christian
Gines, Lincoln
Allen, Kaine
Garza, Elijah
North DeSoto
Smith, Ronnie
Northwood, Shreveport
Adams, Seth
Stevenson, Raymond
Woodlawn, Shreveport
Hunt, Evan
Sanders, Thomas
North DeSoto
Hunter, John
C.E. Byrd
Knight, Ty
Calvary Baptist
Hawkins, Colin
Marston, Maddox
Sain, Jackson
Edwards, Ethan
Claiborne Christian
Ealy, Jaylin
Veal, Peyton
North DeSoto
Vaughn, Jayden
C.E. Byrd
Burney, Jackson
Calvary Baptist
Champine, Justin
Perry, Zachary
Claiborne Christian
Lowe, Nathan
Bourghs, Aidan
North DeSoto
Irvin, Hayden
Northwood, Shreveport
Brooks, Brenden
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High School Girls 3 mile
37 entries
Hodge, Reagan
Simmons, Ellie
North DeSoto
Doyal, Emma
C.E. Byrd
Howard, Brooklyn
Farruya, Angel
Falls, Kaitlyn
North DeSoto
Shaw, Kate
C.E. Byrd
Price, Ella
C.E. Byrd
Edwards, Ella
Claiborne Christian
Haley, Shelby
Robinson, Addie
North DeSoto
French, Caroline
C.E. Byrd
Jowers, Sarah
Claiborne Christian
Hicks, Clara
Coke, Ariel
North DeSoto
Edwards, Patience
North DeSoto
Stage, Kendall
C.E. Byrd
Davis, Ainsley
C.E. Byrd
Thornell, Ashlyn
Claiborne Christian
Tilley, Mariah
Northwood, Shreveport
Wilkerson, Ashlyn
Frazier, Mackenzie
North DeSoto
Burford, Dansby
C.E. Byrd
Osborne, Ella
Claiborne Christian
Megee, Eliza
Lain, Lowrey
Hightower, Ashlyn
North DeSoto
Cobb, Natalie
North DeSoto
Vekovius, Sophia
C.E. Byrd
Deleon, Jackelyn Sophia
C.E. Byrd
Paul, Ashlyn
Northwood, Shreveport
Burns, Rachel
Hopson, Bella
Lee, Angelina
North DeSoto
Forsythe, Kinsley
C.E. Byrd
Little, Evelyn
C.E. Byrd
Gardner, Emma
Claiborne Christian
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Middle School Boys 1.5 miles
96 entries
Stephens, Calan
Cope Middle School
O'Nishea, Aiden
Elm Grove Middle School
stricklin, Michael
Rusheon Middle School
Monzon, Skylar
Haughton Middle School
Addison, Nathan
Haughton Middle School
Thomason, Noah
Calvary Baptist
Bonilla, Xzavion
Haughton Middle School
Troup, Josh
North Desoto Middle School
Martinez, Martin
Rusheon Middle School
Gordy, Graham
Caddo Middle Magnet
Perez, Alex
Elm Grove Middle School
McCartney, Alex
Pineville Junior High School
Short, Tanner
Elm Grove Middle School
rivera, Jacob
Rusheon Middle School
Bell, Kenyon
Caddo Middle Magnet
Rios, Cirildo
Elm Grove Middle School
Castillo, Juan
Rusheon Middle School
Foster, Kayden
Haughton Middle School
East, Cole
Cope Middle School
Warren, Tyler
Haughton Middle School
Johnson, Tyde
Calvary Baptist
Hesser, Aiden
Elm Grove Middle School
Gagnard, Austin
Pineville Junior High School
Jefferson, Christian
Elm Grove Middle School
Fuller, Greigh
Pineville Junior High School
Brock, Jack
North Desoto Middle School
Ayala-Alvarenga, Jonathan
Rusheon Middle School
Quinlan, Brady
Caddo Middle Magnet
Davis, Dontrell
Cope Middle School
Powell, Shea
Elm Grove Middle School
Espino, Franco
Rusheon Middle School
Nugent, Wesley
Haughton Middle School
Castleman, Drew
Haughton Middle School
Brown, Kadyn
Haughton Middle School
Chambers, Bryson
North Desoto Middle School
saloma, Gabriel
Rusheon Middle School
Fallis, Caleb
Caddo Middle Magnet
Schroeder, Levi
Elm Grove Middle School
Miller, Leelan
Pineville Junior High School
Ruliffson, Isaac
Elm Grove Middle School
Saldana, Roel
Rusheon Middle School
Maier, Luke
Caddo Middle Magnet
Brewer, Ethan
Elm Grove Middle School
Emanuel, Yetson
Rusheon Middle School
Schmidt, Kullen
Haughton Middle School
Bonney, Austin
Cope Middle School
Valdez, Peyton
Haughton Middle School
Loftin, Beaux
Calvary Baptist
Helms, Hayden
Elm Grove Middle School
Borrel, Brody
Elm Grove Middle School
Harris, Rhett
Pineville Junior High School
Pool, Gunner
North Desoto Middle School
Guevara, Alex
Rusheon Middle School
Ferguson, John Hilton
Caddo Middle Magnet
Capps, Hunter
Cope Middle School
Pye, Jaden
Elm Grove Middle School
Hernandez, Pablo
Rusheon Middle School
Thompson, Mason
Haughton Middle School
Harrison, J'den
Haughton Middle School
Villanueva, Jorge
Rusheon Middle School
Delatte, Evan
Caddo Middle Magnet
Williams, Trevon
Pineville Junior High School
Salter, Levi
Elm Grove Middle School
Ward, Connor
Pineville Junior High School
acuna, Fernando
Rusheon Middle School
Stange, Isaac
Caddo Middle Magnet
Schroeder, Lucas
Elm Grove Middle School
O'Nishea, Aaron
Elm Grove Middle School
Rodríguez, Carlos
Rusheon Middle School
Brown, Carter
Haughton Middle School
Stafford, Victor
Cope Middle School
Hebert, Astin
Haughton Middle School
Walton, Preston
Calvary Baptist
Legendre, Prince
Caddo Middle Magnet
Fiske, Joseph
Elm Grove Middle School
Kirk, Devin
Caddo Middle Magnet
Fuller, Caleb
Elm Grove Middle School
Jason, Shawn
Pineville Junior High School
Rubio, Arturo
North Desoto Middle School
luna, Evin
Rusheon Middle School
Johnson, Z'Terrian
Cope Middle School
Robin, Brennan
Elm Grove Middle School
Hernández, Pablo
Rusheon Middle School
Gosey, JaCory
Rusheon Middle School
Hughes, Chase
Haughton Middle School
Ashby, Carter
Cope Middle School
Snider, Brody
Haughton Middle School
Maxie, Taylor
Caddo Middle Magnet
Brown, Hollis
Calvary Baptist
Phillips, Josiah
Elm Grove Middle School
Benton, Christopher
Pineville Junior High School
Smith, Landon
Elm Grove Middle School
Brown, King
Pineville Junior High School
Austin, Sawyer
North Desoto Middle School
Alvarenga, Jonathan
Rusheon Middle School
Nordmeyer, Ryan
Caddo Middle Magnet
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Middle School Girls 1.5 mile run
116 entries
Valdez, Jaliya
Rusheon Middle School
Lewis, Kylan
Elm Grove Middle School
Olivier, Cerena
Rusheon Middle School
Pingili, Esha
Caddo Middle Magnet
McClanahan, Marley
North Desoto Middle School
Jennings, Allison
Rusheon Middle School
Dicharry, Madeline
Caddo Middle Magnet
Rowe, Harlie
Haughton Middle School
Prothro, Janelle
Cope Middle School
Impson, Victoria
Elm Grove Middle School
Jackson, Mary Claire
Haughton Middle School
Long, Layla
Cope Middle School
Boyle, Kinsley
Pineville Junior High School
Chisley, Jada
Cope Middle School
Hernandez, Emily
Rusheon Middle School
Keith, Kaylea
Haughton Middle School
Burns, Megan
Cope Middle School
jackson, Raynea
Rusheon Middle School
Harris, Taylor
Caddo Middle Magnet
Web, Ruth Anne
North Desoto Middle School
Rodriguez, Kamila
Rusheon Middle School
Landreneau, Genevieve
Caddo Middle Magnet
St. Vincent, Annick
Elm Grove Middle School
Barber, Trinity
North Desoto Middle School
Rojas-Rivas, Brittany
Rusheon Middle School
Reeg, Matilda
Caddo Middle Magnet
Gallegos, Emory
Haughton Middle School
Crosby, Tamaya
Cope Middle School
Rios, Breanna
Elm Grove Middle School
Taylor, Mallory
Pineville Junior High School
Thompson, Katie
Haughton Middle School
Wilson, Andrea
Cope Middle School
Perkins, Carleigh
Cope Middle School
Ariciaga, Estrella
Rusheon Middle School
Earley, Sophia
Elm Grove Middle School
maxie, Harmony
Rusheon Middle School
Anna Lake, Watts
Caddo Middle Magnet
Gore, Patience
North Desoto Middle School
Smith, Journee
Rusheon Middle School
Iskapalli, Tanmayee
Caddo Middle Magnet
Fefel, Kamryn
Haughton Middle School
Leblanc, Haylie
Cope Middle School
Dupre, Addison
Elm Grove Middle School
Bishop, Natalie
Haughton Middle School
Cooper, Naemah
Cope Middle School
Carmody, Kylie
Pineville Junior High School
Gatti, Charlotte
Cope Middle School
McLin, Cheyenne
Rusheon Middle School
Fields, Isabella
Haughton Middle School
Hahn, Emma
Cope Middle School
Jennings, Olivia
Rusheon Middle School
sanchez, Jordin
Rusheon Middle School
Lockey, Pressley
Caddo Middle Magnet
Harris, Khaliyla
Elm Grove Middle School
Valyn, Lewis
North Desoto Middle School
Hood, Lucy
Rusheon Middle School
Burney, Emma
Caddo Middle Magnet
Spence, Haylie
Haughton Middle School
Grant, Unique
Cope Middle School
Wilhite, Kaylee
Elm Grove Middle School
Broussard, Makaylee
Pineville Junior High School
Haughton Middle School
Hamilton, Kara
Cope Middle School
Hebert, Olivia
Pineville Junior High School
Rodriguez, Martha
Cope Middle School
Broussard, Ny'jah
Rusheon Middle School
Ezernack, Brooklyn
Haughton Middle School
Fox, Olivia
Elm Grove Middle School
paul, Anisicia
Rusheon Middle School
Umoh, Promise
Caddo Middle Magnet
Sharrow, Paislee
North Desoto Middle School
paul, Anisicia
Rusheon Middle School
Watts, Anna
Caddo Middle Magnet
Wade, Myle
Haughton Middle School
Bright, Sofia
Elm Grove Middle School
Allen, Katelyn
North Desoto Middle School
Roberts, Natalie
Haughton Middle School
Dabkowski, Roslyn
Cope Middle School
Franklin, Graycee
Elm Grove Middle School
Newland, Caroline
Pineville Junior High School
Jackson, A'Nyia
Cope Middle School
Garrett, Nelani
Haughton Middle School
Pellonari, Taylor
Cope Middle School
smith, Anise's
Rusheon Middle School
Rojas-Rivas, Brittany
Rusheon Middle School
Moreira, Amora
Caddo Middle Magnet
Koch, Lily
Elm Grove Middle School
Ebbey, Addison
North Desoto Middle School
Armer, Desire
Rusheon Middle School
Acosta, Kyndall
Caddo Middle Magnet
Munoz-Alamo, Camila
Haughton Middle School
Johnson, Z'Terria
Cope Middle School
Alexander, Addison
Elm Grove Middle School
Stewart, Ava
Pineville Junior High School
Daughtery, Emma Grace
Haughton Middle School
Below, Kyndal
Cope Middle School
Willis, Bay'lea
Pineville Junior High School
Stowell, Emma
Cope Middle School
Diggs, Shanyiah
Rusheon Middle School
Giddings, Alyssa
Haughton Middle School
Halfen, Adison
Caddo Middle Magnet
Green, Amanda
Rusheon Middle School
Pickett, Carolin
North Desoto Middle School
fuller, Sekristun
Rusheon Middle School
Adley, L'Pirkle
Caddo Middle Magnet
Williams, Angel
Haughton Middle School
McDade, Sarah-Beth
Elm Grove Middle School
Bryant, Rockie
North Desoto Middle School
Barnes, Myadrea
Rusheon Middle School
Corkern, Marti
Haughton Middle School
Baisley, Serenity
Cope Middle School
Johnson, Brianna
Elm Grove Middle School
Russell, Macy
Pineville Junior High School
Hines, Annaleigh
Haughton Middle School
Capps, Hailey
Cope Middle School
Jacobsen, Claire
Cope Middle School
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