Catholic High Invitational 2013

Baton Rouge, LA


2013 Catholic High Invitational - Girl's Virtual Meet Patrick Gavin Oct 11, 2013

  See how the different individuals and teams stack up according to our simulated 2013 Catholic High virtual meet. According to our database Mandeville girls take hom team honors.  However this simulation is based off of "past" performances so who knows what will happen tomorrow..  Best of luck to everyone running!  

2013 Catholic High Invitational - Virtual Meet Patrick Gavin Oct 11, 2013

See how the different individuals and teams stack up according to our simulated 2013 Catholic High virtual meet. According to our database St. Paul's boys take home team honors.  However, this simulation is based off of "past" performances - who knows what will actually happen..  Best of luck to everyone running tomorrow!