Photos: 2006 LSU distance @ Armory Inv.

Pat Gavin 4:05 - post race

Said Ahmed

Isa - 1:51 open 800 and 800 leg from DMR from the night before

Austin Benton running the 800 (400 leg of DMR)



Jake Simmons 14:55 5k

Drew Haro - 14:41 5k




Jeff Parker 4:14 mile

Katie Dawson 5:05 mile

Rachel Graham 18:41 5k

06_iarmoryinv34 - 65 KB

Kate Accardo running tough therough the flu 19:18 5k

Start of Womens 5k

Time Square

MTV: site of TRL

At the Olive Garden - left to right: Drew Haro, Michelle Hymel, Austin Benton, Jake Simmons, Mike Hendry, Pat Gavin, Katie Dawson, Lindsay Day

Katie Dawson and Lindsay Day in Time Square

Mike Hendry 4:06 mile

Lindsay Day - 5:07 mile