A note to all LouisianaRunning Coaches/Fans

This is Patrick Gavin here, LouisianaRunning webmaster and student-athlete at LSU. I am writing to all the viewers as a personal request to assist with the site this year.

The site is a nonprofit site and is funded solely from my own pocket. I am very busy with school and my own running and the site takes an immense amount of my time.

I have high hopes of reaching closer to providing all the information, stats, and media avaialable to the sport in our state. However, I can not come close to doing this alone. I need the help of each of the viwers out there, by helping to provide us with related news, results, stats, etc.

There is no information that is revelant to the site that when sent in wil fail to be included.

Therefore, Please help us! ans send in your team news, meet results, meet scheldules, meet pictures, team rosters, and anything else important that you can think of to pat@louisianarunning.com I thank you for your time, and remember the site will be only as interesting as we make it.