2025 South Terrebonne Gator Relays 2025

Bourg, LA

Athlete Entries

Boys 100 Meter Dash 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Coleman, Jaylon 10.40 Vandebilt Catholic
Sandolph, Robert 10.90 Vandebilt Catholic
Mack, Jabari 11.05 Destrehan
Woods, Bryson 11.11 Thibodaux
Brown, Vondarius 11.34 Thibodaux
Elzy, Chad 11.43 Ascension Catholic
Carter, Dontrell 11.50h Morgan City
Christopher, Javyn 11.52 Patterson
Wilkerson, Micah 11.53 Morgan City
Anderson, Carl 11.63 Terrebonne
Gross, Theron 11.67 Ben Franklin
Breaux, Braeden 11.77 H. L. Bourgeois Braves
Perna, Ladanian 11.78 A.J. Ellender
Roberts, Danny 11.80 Sophie B. Wright
Gullage, Kavon 11.82 H. L. Bourgeois Braves
Guzman, Andrew 11.83 West Jefferson
Diggs, Jaheim 11.92 South Terrebonne
Ricks, Jaray 11.95 South Terrebonne
Coler, Deonte 12.00h A.J. Ellender
Hughes, Andravin 12.01 South Lafourche
Berton, Ronald 12.10 Ben Franklin
Lally, Connor 12.10 Covenant Christian
Williams, Courtney 12.14 Patterson
Adams, Dustan 12.16 Houma Christian
Hebert, Xailen 12.18 Central Catholic
Lally, Ethan 12.45 Covenant Christian
Colquhoun, Dominick 12.50 Sophie B. Wright
Winn, Kaveon 12.65 West Jefferson
Izaguirre, Kristian 12.68 Berwick
Sanders, James 12.68 Central Catholic
Adams, Quincy 12.74 Terrebonne
Anselmi, Aidan 12.90 South Lafourche
Dabney, Malachi 13.05 Destrehan
Savoie, Tripp 13.24 Houma Christian
Frederick, Rickey 13.50h Berwick
Jackson, Kyle 14.16 Grand Isle
Folse, Kohen 30.00 Ascension Catholic
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Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Galicia, Jesus South Lafourche
Gaskins, Jermaine Patterson
Wiggins, Bryan 14.85 Central Catholic
Brooks, Tyren 15.12 Thibodaux
Brown, Braylon 15.18 Terrebonne
Thomas, Markus 15.65 A.J. Ellender
Betts, Tim 16.00h Terrebonne
Bangura, Lawrence 16.26 Thibodaux
Roberts, Danny 16.82 Sophie B. Wright
Singleton, Ty 16.83 Destrehan
Ulmer, Elijah 17.21 Destrehan
Clevinger, Breydan 18.38 Berwick
Jackson, Mekhi 18.39 West Jefferson
Perea, Jhon 18.50 West Jefferson
Adams, Peyton 18.75 South Terrebonne
O'Gwin, Jace 19.31 Patterson
Acosta, Vincent 20.57 Morgan City
Richard, Nathaniel 21.22 Covenant Christian
Aucoin, Cameron 23.32 Morgan City
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cervantes, Yurem Sophie B. Wright
Connolly, Colin Ben Franklin
Lange, Noah 4:33.08 Morgan City
Guidry, Joshua 4:38.27 South Lafourche
Plata, Jose 4:44.39 Morgan City
Acosta, Kayde 4:45.91 Berwick
Nguyen, Carter 4:49.58 Terrebonne
Legnon, Brison 4:56.74 H. L. Bourgeois Braves
Coyle, Britt 4:57.95 Covenant Christian
Kiger, Gavyn 5:00.35 South Lafourche
Cantin, Ansel 5:02.28 Ascension Catholic
Gentry, Billy 5:09.61 South Terrebonne
Carline, Maddux 5:12.38 Berwick
Deroche, Jacob 5:13.20 H. L. Bourgeois Braves
Crochet, Aiden 5:16.07 Ascension Catholic
Arceneaux, Marcus 5:18.87 Houma Christian
Gaudet, Reece 5:21.53 Vandebilt Catholic
Vedros , Ethan 5:21.57 Houma Christian
Davis, Owen 5:29.89 Covenant Christian
Wiltz, Jeremiah 5:30.31 Patterson
Jennings , Warren 5:35.65 Patterson
Zehner, Dylan 5:36.04 Vandebilt Catholic
Woods, Keshawn 5:40.26 Thibodaux
MORRELL, Jude 5:51.20 Ben Franklin
Boudreaux, Seth 5:52.66 Terrebonne
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brown, Jakyri Terrebonne
Sampey, Maddux Berwick
Breaux, Jamiris Ascension Catholic
Coleman, Jaylon 21.48 Vandebilt Catholic
Woods, Bryson 22.23 Thibodaux
Zeringue, Jordan 22.79 Destrehan
Sandolph, Robert 23.00 Vandebilt Catholic
Brooks, Tyren 23.14 Thibodaux
Torres-Aguilar, Yair 23.27 South Lafourche
Reed, Brian 23.27 Destrehan
Elzy, Chad 23.49 Ascension Catholic
Gross, Theron 23.90 Ben Franklin
Brooks, Jordan 24.00 West Jefferson
Harris, Jayveon 24.05 H. L. Bourgeois Braves
Singleton, Hayden 24.11 Morgan City
Pollard, Jamal 24.12 Patterson
Christopher, Javyn 24.38 Patterson
Colquhoun, Dominick 24.45 Sophie B. Wright
Smith, Trenajh 24.50 South Terrebonne
Williams, Dylan 24.54 Covenant Christian
Jones, Joh'neares 24.62 H. L. Bourgeois Braves
Winn, Kaveon 24.62 West Jefferson
Coler, Deonte 24.64 A.J. Ellender
Berton, Ronald 24.68 Ben Franklin
Hayes Jr, Gerren 24.96 Morgan City
Perna, Ladanian 25.04 A.J. Ellender
Liner, Brody 25.04 Houma Christian
Brinson, Justin 25.20 Houma Christian
Sanders, James 25.47 Central Catholic
Hughes, Andravin 25.75 South Lafourche
Diggs, Terrance 25.80 Terrebonne
Aucoin, Wyatt 26.03 Central Catholic
Lally, Ethan 26.09 Covenant Christian
Izaguirre, Kristian 26.81 Berwick
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Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Callais, Kaden South Lafourche
Brown, Braylon 40.61 Terrebonne
Thomas, Markus 41.64 A.J. Ellender
Wiggins, Bryan 41.72 Central Catholic
Ingram, Carlton 42.42 Thibodaux
Clevinger, Breydan 43.0 Berwick
Roberts, Danny 44.88 Sophie B. Wright
O'Gwin, Jace 45.44 Patterson
Singleton, Ty 46.06 Destrehan
Perea, Jhon 47.25 West Jefferson
Jackson, Mekhi 47.45 West Jefferson
Richard, Nathaniel 47.77 Covenant Christian
Adams, Peyton 48.23 South Terrebonne
Acosta, Vincent 48.76 Morgan City
Matthews, Malik 49.31 Terrebonne
Allemand, Eno 50.99 South Lafourche
Gaskins, Jermaine 51.90 Patterson
Green Jr, Romell 52.87 Destrehan
Folse, Karson 54.46 Ascension Catholic
Aucoin, Cameron 56.46 Morgan City
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Boys 3200 Meter Run 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Delong, Toshan Ben Franklin
Pinho, Collin Patterson
Guidry, Joshua 10:44.92 South Lafourche
Lange, Noah 11:00.00 Morgan City
Knight, Joseph 11:00.21 Thibodaux
Acosta, Kayde 11:08.34 Berwick
Carline, Maddux 11:08.85 Berwick
Whitaker , Zack 11:17.53 Houma Christian
Kiger, Gavyn 11:21.17 South Lafourche
Cantin, Ansel 11:27.29 Ascension Catholic
Gentry, Billy 11:32.41 South Terrebonne
Plata, Jose 11:42.00 Morgan City
Sanderson, Aaron 11:51.98 Houma Christian
Matos-Sosa, Ian 12:04.13 Destrehan
Fiscal, Bryan 12:05.00 A.J. Ellender
Gaudet, Sam 12:11.03 Vandebilt Catholic
Billiot, Gerald 12:47.51 H. L. Bourgeois Braves
Boutte, Camren 14:52.87 Patterson
Hebert, Ethan 15:06.26 H. L. Bourgeois Braves
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Talbot, Cole H. L. Bourgeois Braves
Pacheco, Johan Ben Franklin
McCool, Jasiah Vandebilt Catholic
Lally, Lucas Covenant Christian
viallon, johnny Ascension Catholic
Jones, Daylan 1:01.55 Patterson
Torres-Aguilar, Yair 50.95 South Lafourche
Gash, Jamari 51 Morgan City
Napolitano, Brady 51.13 Destrehan
Guidry, Rustin 51.37 South Lafourche
Hubbard, Rudy 51.55 West Jefferson
Plaisance, Jacory 51.86 Thibodaux
Florent, Cameron 52.82 Destrehan
Gipson, MiJ'on 53.71 Sophie B. Wright
Colquhoun, Dominick 53.72 Sophie B. Wright
Melendez, Miguel 53.75 Berwick
Coyle, Britt 54.27 Covenant Christian
Detiege, Quinton 54.67 Ben Franklin
Hartman, Chandler 54.84 A.J. Ellender
Randolph, Agyei 54.93 Thibodaux
Brooks, Jordan 55.00 West Jefferson
Verdin, Kalum 55.88 Terrebonne
Mckay, Cameron 56.09 Terrebonne
Tillman, Armad 56.40 H. L. Bourgeois Braves
Cuartas, Rafael 56.71 Houma Christian
Stewart, Corell 56.95 South Terrebonne
Folse, Kohen 57.26 Ascension Catholic
Sanders, James 57.47 Central Catholic
Greer , Brayden 57.60 Houma Christian
Aucoin, Wyatt 58.71 Central Catholic
Wilson, Caleb 59.34 Morgan City
O'Gwin, Jace 59.63 Patterson
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Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Ben Franklin
Relay Team A Terrebonne
Relay Team A Central Catholic
Relay Team A West Jefferson
Relay Team A 43.23 Destrehan
Relay Team A 44.59 Thibodaux
Relay Team A 45.51 South Terrebonne
Relay Team A 45.53 Ascension Catholic
Relay Team A 45.94 H. L. Bourgeois Braves
Relay Team A 46.66 Houma Christian
Relay Team A 46.71 Covenant Christian
Relay Team A 47.46 South Lafourche
Relay Team A 47.66 Patterson
Relay Team A 48.62 Berwick
Relay Team A 49.49 Vandebilt Catholic
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Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Patterson
Relay Team A Ascension Catholic
Relay Team A Ben Franklin
Relay Team A 1:30.71 Thibodaux
Relay Team A 1:32.25 South Lafourche
Relay Team A 1:33.03 Destrehan
Relay Team A 1:35.30 West Jefferson
Relay Team A 1:35.62 Terrebonne
Relay Team A 1:35.97 H. L. Bourgeois Braves
Relay Team A 1:37.32 Covenant Christian
Relay Team A 1:38.69 A.J. Ellender
Relay Team A 1:39.19 Houma Christian
Relay Team A 1:39.94 Berwick
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Vandebilt Catholic
Relay Team A Destrehan
Relay Team A Ben Franklin
Relay Team A 3:35.00h Morgan City
Relay Team A 3:35.22 Thibodaux
Relay Team A 3:38.04 South Lafourche
Relay Team A 3:41.19 H. L. Bourgeois Braves
Relay Team A 3:44.43 Berwick
Relay Team A 3:49.00h Terrebonne
Relay Team A 3:49.42 Covenant Christian
Relay Team A 4:08.57 Ascension Catholic
Relay Team A 4:11.71 Houma Christian
Relay Team A 4:34.58 Patterson
Relay Team A 4:56.77 A.J. Ellender
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Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Ben Franklin
Relay Team A Patterson
Relay Team A Terrebonne
Relay Team A H. L. Bourgeois Braves
Relay Team A 10:03.51 Houma Christian
Relay Team A 8:49.87 South Lafourche
Relay Team A 8:59.03 Destrehan
Relay Team A 9:04.92 Berwick
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Boys 800 Meter Run 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Preau, Anders Ben Franklin
Yanex, Isaiah Covenant Christian
Cervantes, Yurem Sophie B. Wright
Aucoin, Stanley Berwick
Fesi, August Houma Christian
Aucoin, Cohen 1:59.70 Thibodaux
Hubbard, Rudy 2:01.40 West Jefferson
Lange, Noah 2:01.67 Morgan City
Williams, Sergie 2:03.70h Destrehan
Castillo, Rigo 2:06 H. L. Bourgeois Braves
Plata, Jose 2:10.13 Morgan City
Verdin, Dawson 2:11.00h H. L. Bourgeois Braves
Coyle, Britt 2:11.21 Covenant Christian
Jennings , Warren 2:14.09 Patterson
Royal, Damarcus 2:14.58 Destrehan
Crochet, Aiden 2:20.23 Ascension Catholic
Gisclair, Kevin 2:21.45 South Lafourche
Gaudet, Reece 2:21.87 Vandebilt Catholic
Cheramie, Luke 2:24.22 South Lafourche
St Romain, Graham 2:25.80 Berwick
Perea, Jhon 2:25.82 West Jefferson
Gipson, MiJ'on 2:26.36 Sophie B. Wright
Pinho, Collin 2:27.71 Patterson
Duplantis, Ayden 2:28.82 Houma Christian
Vicks, Jeremiah 2:28.96 Thibodaux
Fiscal, Bryan 2:30 A.J. Ellender
Zehner, Dylan 2:32.25 Vandebilt Catholic
Harkless, Xavier 2:35.57 Terrebonne
Ellender, Camden 2:37.60 Terrebonne
ADJMI, Charles 2:41.08 Ben Franklin
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Boys Discus Throw 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Reding, Jack 161-1 South Lafourche
Howard, Charles 130-10 Thibodaux
Armond, Dylan 124-6 Berwick
Mitchell, La'Rance 122-10.5 H. L. Bourgeois Braves
Foret, Gunner 121-1 Terrebonne
Falls, Zayden 114-10 West Jefferson
Hernandez, Conley 114-8 South Lafourche
Adams, Quincy 110-0 Terrebonne
Stockstill, Trent 108-7 Morgan City
Nicholas, David 107-0 Thibodaux
Bardarson, Logan 106-3 Houma Christian
Bagwell, Noah 104-10 Destrehan
Jackson, Xyavion 104-5 Morgan City
Bourgeois, Gary 104-5 Central Catholic
Gautreaux, Mekai 99-10 A.J. Ellender
Geason, Dayveon 92-11 Ascension Catholic
Ostheimer, Jackson 91-2 Covenant Christian
Celestine, Marcus 91-1 H. L. Bourgeois Braves
Culver, Andrew 83-1.5 Destrehan
Ussin, Edric 82-4 West Jefferson
Cockerham, Kylan 81-3 A.J. Ellender
Diggs, Jaheim 80-0 South Terrebonne
Michel, Colton 75-4 Houma Christian
Williams, Jordan 70-7 South Terrebonne
Pratt, Treylique Berwick
Burrell, Jayden Covenant Christian
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Boys High Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
James, Travon 6-8 A.J. Ellender
Cuartas, Rafael 6-4 Houma Christian
Johnson , Gregory 6-2 Patterson
Ulmer, Rashad 6-0 Destrehan
Fitzgerald, Carter 6-0 Houma Christian
Plaisance, Jacory 6-0 Thibodaux
Smith, Rhanigue 6-0 Terrebonne
Bangura, Lawrence 5-11 Thibodaux
Bunnell, Carter 5-11 Vandebilt Catholic
Wolfe, Joshua 5-10 H. L. Bourgeois Braves
Brooks, Jordan 5-10 West Jefferson
Perna, Ladanian 5-10 A.J. Ellender
Smith, Trenajh 5-10 South Terrebonne
Acosta, Kayde 5-8 Berwick
Acosta, Vincent 5-8 Morgan City
Gauche, Byron 5-8 South Terrebonne
Diggs, Terrance 5-6 Terrebonne
Ebbecke, Dillion 5-0 Central Catholic
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Boys Javelin 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Crappell, Evan 164-7 Berwick
Lally, Connor 143-8 Covenant Christian
Gash, Jamari 143-7 Morgan City
Hebert, Braxton 143-7 Vandebilt Catholic
Stockstill, Trent 141-2 Morgan City
Napolitano, Brady 139-9 Destrehan
Bardarson, Logan 139-2 Houma Christian
Hendrix, Landyn 138-2 South Lafourche
Gautreaux, Mekai 133-9 A.J. Ellender
Celestine, Deshaun 131-9 H. L. Bourgeois Braves
Sanders, James 127-9 Central Catholic
Lecompte, Aidynn 122-2 Berwick
Clark, Robert 122-1 Terrebonne
landry, john david 120-2 Ascension Catholic
Quintal, Davin 118-11 Terrebonne
Patterson, Keith 112-1 Vandebilt Catholic
Falls, Zayden 103-8 West Jefferson
Lawson, Damien 101-1 H. L. Bourgeois Braves
Cornes, Austin 100-0 Central Catholic
Daigle, Paxton 98-8 Patterson
Reed, Michael 92-6 Destrehan
Layton, Reginald 91-2 Patterson
Couch, Reid 90-2 Ascension Catholic
boyd, gregory 82-11 Thibodaux
Jackson, Kyle 81-0 Grand Isle
Cockerham, Kylan 69-6 A.J. Ellender
Zapletal, Anthony Houma Christian
Ussin, Edric West Jefferson
Anderson, Jamal Thibodaux
Billiot, Jacq'ues South Lafourche
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Boys Long Jump 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Whitrack, Kameron 22-10.5 Vandebilt Catholic
George, Markwan 22-8.5 H. L. Bourgeois Braves
II Richard, Damien 22-3.75 Destrehan
Brooks, Tyren 21-3 Thibodaux
Bias, Jamyre 20-8.5 Morgan City
Holmes, Anzeo 20-7.5 Thibodaux
Wiggins, Bryan 20-0 Central Catholic
Hughes, Andravin 19-11 South Lafourche
Jackson, Kameron 19-10 A.J. Ellender
Bass, Kevin 19-6.25 Terrebonne
Gullage, Kavon 19-4 H. L. Bourgeois Braves
Hartman, Chandler 19-4 A.J. Ellender
Smith, Trenajh 19-0 South Terrebonne
Streams, Bailey 18-11 Covenant Christian
Brooks, Jordan 18-10.5 West Jefferson
Liner, Brody 18-7 Houma Christian
Griffin, Lamarion 18-1.5 Morgan City
Benjamin, Xavier 17-11.5 Berwick
Jones, Daylan 17-11.25 Patterson
Hebert, Xailen 17-11 Central Catholic
Griffin, Caldrin 17-4.75 Patterson
Townsend, Dominick 17-0 Destrehan
Adams, Peyton 16-11.5 South Terrebonne
Gaudet, Trint 16-3.5 South Lafourche
Verner, Jayden 15-6 Ascension Catholic
Danos, Cohen Houma Christian
Kelly, Andrew Ben Franklin
Williams, Imri Ben Franklin
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Boys Pole Vault 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Prevost, Reese 14-0 Thibodaux
Ferguson, David 12-0 Thibodaux
Galliano, Jacob 12-0 South Lafourche
Odle, Cooper 11-0 Vandebilt Catholic
Toups, Kolston 10-6 Berwick
Folse, Kole 9-0 Ascension Catholic
Folse, Karson 9-0 Ascension Catholic
Diket, Connor 9-0 Destrehan
Dupont, Robert 8-0 Morgan City
Martin, Connor 8-0 Berwick
Reale, Brody Destrehan
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Boys Shot Put 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Punch, Jay 46-8 South Lafourche
Mosely, O'Ryan 44-11 Terrebonne
Howard, Charles 44-2 Thibodaux
Gayden, Wayne 40-3 Destrehan
Williams, Jordan 39-8 South Terrebonne
carter, geovanni 39-5 Thibodaux
Jackson, Xyavion 39-4.75 Morgan City
Stockstill, Trent 39-0 Morgan City
Mitchell, La'Rance 38-7 H. L. Bourgeois Braves
Leonard, Kaden 38-5 Berwick
Coler, Deonte 37-11 A.J. Ellender
Robertson, Joshua 37-11 A.J. Ellender
Michel, Colton 37-5 Houma Christian
Verdin, Zaccariah 36-6 South Lafourche
Quintal, Davin 36-5 Terrebonne
Thomas, Kabren 36-3 Covenant Christian
FENDERSON, DARON 35-1 Destrehan
Ussin, Edric 32-10 West Jefferson
Helms, Jonah 32-6 H. L. Bourgeois Braves
Falls, Zayden 32-1 West Jefferson
Stewart, Tavien 31-0 South Terrebonne
Billiot, Landon 30-0 Central Catholic
Stein, Jacob 27-6 Grand Isle
Geason, Dayveon 27-4 Ascension Catholic
Zapletal, Anthony 27-2.5 Houma Christian
Lovell, Jason 27-2 Covenant Christian
Wallace, Grant 26-4 Central Catholic
Pineda, Erik 24-0 Grand Isle
Pratt, Treylique Berwick
Bartney, Tahj Ben Franklin
Bradley - Lewis, Noah Ben Franklin
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Boys Triple Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
II Richard, Damien 43-10.5 Destrehan
Whitrack, Kameron 42-11.5 Vandebilt Catholic
Woods, Dorian 42-4 Thibodaux
Hartman, Chandler 42-3 A.J. Ellender
Terrell, Jacob 41-3 Thibodaux
Bias, Jamyre 39-10 Morgan City
Bass, Kevin 39-7.5 Terrebonne
Griffin, Lamarion 39-3 Morgan City
Parker, A'Khiree 38-9.5 Terrebonne
Griffin, Caldrin 38-7.25 Patterson
Geisler, Aiden 38-6.25 Berwick
Roberts, Danny 36-9.5 Sophie B. Wright
Jones, Daylan 36-4.5 Patterson
Callais, Kaden 34-4 South Lafourche
Mingo, Tylen 34-2 Central Catholic
Townsend, Dominick 32-10 Destrehan
Benjamin, Xavier Berwick
Breaux, Jamiris Ascension Catholic
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Girls 100 Meter Dash 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Thomas, A'Miah 12.13 H. L. Bourgeois Braves
Coleman, Ka'leyah 12.26 Thibodaux
Gray, Madison 12.28 Ben Franklin
Oliney, Jade 12.90 Central Catholic
Winslow, Alaina 12.91 Covenant Christian
Webster, Addison 13.12 H. L. Bourgeois Braves
Flurry, Milan 13.13 Terrebonne
Young, Ire'Yanna 13.20h Morgan City
Samuels, Nia 13.28 Ben Franklin
St. Pierre, Kinsley 13.37 Vandebilt Catholic
Butler, Ke'Amari 13.45 Terrebonne
August, Arie 13.59 Thibodaux
Nixon, Delaiah 13.71 A.J. Ellender
Howard, Tia 13.72 Vandebilt Catholic
Fleming, Rena'ja 13.80h South Terrebonne
Simmons, Dasayah 13.90h South Terrebonne
Hughes, Jade 13.94 Sophie B. Wright
Lewis, Chyna 14.00 West Jefferson
tyler, malayah 14.17 A.J. Ellender
Haughton, Ciniya 14.5 Berwick
Chapman, Tre'Onna 14.50h Berwick
Ellis, Leeandra 14.64 Sophie B. Wright
Brown, Ja'myah 14.68 Ascension Catholic
Brown, Ja'layah 14.76 Ascension Catholic
Chauvin, Khole 14.88 Houma Christian
Jenkins, Morgan 15.06 Covenant Christian
Solis-Cordova, Genesis 15.14 Houma Christian
Loyacano, Makayla 15.89 Grand Isle
Hernandez, Grace 17.17 Grand Isle
Battle, Oshaunessy 30.00 Patterson
Thompson, Jolie 30.00 Patterson
Cornes, Emma 30.00 Central Catholic
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Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Coler, Ala'sha 16.25 Thibodaux
Brown, Layla 16.45 Terrebonne
Giles, Biore 16.99 West Jefferson
Harris, Bria 17.45 Terrebonne
Bosman, Ella 17.83 Berwick
Ellis, Leeandra 18.50 Sophie B. Wright
Miller, Ty'Jay 18.81 South Terrebonne
Pittman, Kadynce 18.93 Morgan City
Peak, Akiaya 19.18 Thibodaux
Bourg, Olivia 19.32 Central Catholic
Blanco, Jewel 20.09 Morgan City
White, Kendall 20.11 Berwick
McKay, Ashley 21.74 South Terrebonne
Harper, Julianna 28.30 Grand Isle
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lindsey , Robbie Patterson
Currie, Corinne Ben Franklin
Dang, Nguyen West Jefferson
Linn, Mckenzie Berwick
LaFrance, Akyrah West Jefferson
Ajmi, Adele 5:31.22 Ben Franklin
Hatch, Olivia 5:36.88 Vandebilt Catholic
Magee, Kate 5:41.29 Vandebilt Catholic
Templet, Elle 6:21.07 Ascension Catholic
Dupre, Mallory 6:26.62 Thibodaux
Diaz, Getzemany 6:27.02 South Lafourche
Sweatman, Sara-Rose 6:27.88 Thibodaux
Perico, Daisy 6:36.30 Berwick
Morice, Gabriella 6:45.00h Central Catholic
Davis, Bryanna 6:59.37 Covenant Christian
Sanderson, Bethany 7:12.77 Houma Christian
Chancy , Kaitlyn 7:13.69 Houma Christian
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Girls 200 Meter Dash 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brown, Ja'myah Ascension Catholic
Thompson, Jolie Patterson
Matis, Hattie Covenant Christian
Brown, Ja'layah Ascension Catholic
Jennings, Or'Reashia Patterson
Coleman, Ka'leyah Thibodaux
Billiot, Jayde South Lafourche
Joseph, Dalanie Terrebonne
Crockem, Myi'Laili 25.35 A.J. Ellender
Thomas, A'Miah 25.62 H. L. Bourgeois Braves
Dennar , Idia 26.26 Ben Franklin
Rome, Natalie 26.50 Ben Franklin
Jones, Ta'Kira 26.90h Morgan City
Webster, Addison 26.94 H. L. Bourgeois Braves
Belvin, Kamiah 27.15 Sophie B. Wright
McCloud, Shanta 27.50 West Jefferson
Butler, Ke'Amari 27.56 Terrebonne
Shepahard, Brenisha 27.76 A.J. Ellender
St. Pierre, Kinsley 27.83 Vandebilt Catholic
Blanco, Jewel 27.90h Morgan City
Adams, Grace 27.95 Vandebilt Catholic
Giles, Biore 28.00 West Jefferson
Stokes, Sa'niah 28.23 South Terrebonne
Hughes, Jade 28.32 Sophie B. Wright
Winslow, Alaina 28.34 Covenant Christian
Robison, Emmy 28.79 Central Catholic
Pierce, Kayleigh 28.97 Houma Christian
Fleming, Alayla 29.00 South Terrebonne
Burdis, Trinity 29.64 Thibodaux
Larpenter, Isabella 29.77 Houma Christian
Richardelle, Sophia 30.33 South Lafourche
Bias, Irielle 33.00h Central Catholic
Chapman, Tre'Onna 33.00h Berwick
Haughton, Ciniya 33.26 Berwick
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Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Usie, Ally 1:02.73 South Terrebonne
White, Kendall 1:05.35 Berwick
Joseph, Tiereney 1:13.54 South Terrebonne
Harper, Julianna 1:16.92 Grand Isle
Coler, Ala'sha 49.21 Thibodaux
Carey, Maddison 50.03 Covenant Christian
Bosman, Ella 53.24 Berwick
Harris, Elise 53.50 Sophie B. Wright
Bontemps, Destiny 54.08 West Jefferson
Green, Phalyn 54.93 Sophie B. Wright
Ingram, Daeonne 57.5 Thibodaux
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Girls 3200 Meter Run 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
LaFrance, Akyrah West Jefferson
Diaz, Isabelle South Lafourche
Magee, Julia 13:17.58 Vandebilt Catholic
Clark, Annabelle 13:36.37 Vandebilt Catholic
Dupre, Mallory 14:46.06 Thibodaux
Sweatman, Sara-Rose 14:48.22 Thibodaux
Perico, Daisy 15:17.54 Berwick
Duet, Jaelyn 16:32.09 South Lafourche
Izaguirre, Madison 18:23.00 Berwick
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Green, Phalyn Sophie B. Wright
Sapia, Andie Terrebonne
Brant, Gracie Ascension Catholic
Henry , Ma'Kayla Patterson
Danos, Audrey Houma Christian
Semien, Zuri Ascension Catholic
Kennedy, Sannai 1.01 Thibodaux
Blondell, Laila 1:01.34 Ben Franklin
McCloud, Shanta 1:02.22 West Jefferson
Robison, Emmy 1:02.50 Central Catholic
Hawkins, Heaven 1:03.30 H. L. Bourgeois Braves
Stokes, Sa'niah 1:03.91 South Terrebonne
Penn, Londyn 1:04.49 Sophie B. Wright
Hayes, Heidi 1:05.22 Terrebonne
Duet, Kourtney 1:05.80 South Lafourche
Kanate, Amira 1:08.11 Ben Franklin
Bontemps, Destiny 1:08.63 West Jefferson
Davis, Bryanna 1:08.71 Covenant Christian
Daigle, Mackenzie 1:09.99 H. L. Bourgeois Braves
Landry, Katelyn 1:10.00 South Terrebonne
Robison, Ella 1:12.00h Central Catholic
Jackson, Paityn 1:14.66 South Lafourche
Benoit, Avery 1:14.72 Covenant Christian
Clemons, Callie 1:14.79 Houma Christian
Knope, Alayr 1:16.28 Berwick
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Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Ben Franklin
Relay Team A Vandebilt Catholic
Relay Team A 1:00.21 Ascension Catholic
Relay Team A 1:02.49 Patterson
Relay Team A 51.00h Morgan City
Relay Team A 51.23 H. L. Bourgeois Braves
Relay Team A 52.82 Sophie B. Wright
Relay Team A 52.93 Terrebonne
Relay Team A 53.70 Thibodaux
Relay Team A 54.10 A.J. Ellender
Relay Team A 55.32 West Jefferson
Relay Team A 55.59 South Terrebonne
Relay Team A 55.70 Central Catholic
Relay Team A 56.19 South Lafourche
Relay Team A 56.95 Berwick
Relay Team A 57.47 Covenant Christian
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Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Ben Franklin
Relay Team A Patterson
Relay Team A 1:50.58 H. L. Bourgeois Braves
Relay Team A 1:51.05 Morgan City
Relay Team A 1:51.16 Terrebonne
Relay Team A 1:52.30 Thibodaux
Relay Team A 1:52.40 West Jefferson
Relay Team A 1:53.42 Sophie B. Wright
Relay Team A 1:54.55 A.J. Ellender
Relay Team A 1:58.78 South Lafourche
Relay Team A 2:00.00 South Terrebonne
Relay Team A 2:02.77 Covenant Christian
Relay Team A 2:03.61 Houma Christian
Relay Team A 2:06.30 Berwick
Relay Team A 2:13.91 Ascension Catholic
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Ascension Catholic
Relay Team A Patterson
Relay Team A Ben Franklin
Relay Team A Terrebonne
Relay Team A Sophie B. Wright
Relay Team A 4:28.80 H. L. Bourgeois Braves
Relay Team A 4:45.25 West Jefferson
Relay Team A 4:52.52 Berwick
Relay Team A 4:52.65 South Lafourche
Relay Team A 4:54.36 Thibodaux
Relay Team A 5:02.40 A.J. Ellender
Relay Team A 5:09.99 South Terrebonne
Relay Team A 5:16.08 Covenant Christian
Relay Team A 5:45.45 Houma Christian
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Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Terrebonne
Relay Team A Ben Franklin
Relay Team A 11:20.13 Vandebilt Catholic
Relay Team A 11:59.85 Berwick
Relay Team A 12:09.09 South Lafourche
Relay Team A 12:11.91 H. L. Bourgeois Braves
Relay Team A 13:32.68 Houma Christian
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Girls 800 Meter Run 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Matassa, Olivia Ascension Catholic
Dang, Nguyen West Jefferson
Diaz, Getzemany South Lafourche
Williams, Lyjah Sophie B. Wright
Duet, Jaelyn South Lafourche
Ajmi, Adele 2:29.44 Ben Franklin
Johnson, Sophia 2:40.55 Ben Franklin
Case, Gianna 2:40.85 Central Catholic
Sapia, Andie 2:44.34 Terrebonne
Dismuke, Lila 2:45.30 Vandebilt Catholic
Schexnayder, Rylee 2:45.64 H. L. Bourgeois Braves
Lindsey , Robbie 2:45.97 Patterson
Steele, Ja'Keela 2:48.45 Morgan City
Lebouef, Alyssa 2:52.57 Terrebonne
Neal, Trinity 2:52.64 South Terrebonne
Dryden, Emily 2:56.72 Thibodaux
Tauzin, Kenlie 2:58.93 Covenant Christian
Simoneaux, Allie 3:04.36 Berwick
Rodrigue, Marley 3:06.50 Covenant Christian
Brunet, Hadlley 3:10.50 Berwick
Cabirac, Cate 3:28.57 Houma Christian
Radoievici, Kadence 3:29.06 H. L. Bourgeois Braves
Allen, Jeanice 3:38.57 A.J. Ellender
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Girls Discus Throw 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Grizzaffi, Addison 131-1.25 Central Catholic
Brown, Kaylee 120-4 Ascension Catholic
Davis, Dechyla 104-8 Patterson
Rebstock, Claire 97-8 South Lafourche
Stewart, Tyanna 88-4 Vandebilt Catholic
Reynolds, Taylor 88-3 South Lafourche
Singleton, Jania 84-3 Thibodaux
Mensman, Caroline 81-1 Berwick
Domonique, Kendrick 80-0 South Terrebonne
Bailey, Sanaa 79-5.5 Central Catholic
Pellegrin, Kaci 77-7.5 H. L. Bourgeois Braves
Fitch, Kaydyn 75-0 South Terrebonne
Celestine, Sani 66-7 H. L. Bourgeois Braves
Falgout, Nyla 64-3 Vandebilt Catholic
Loyacano, Makayla 63-4.5 Grand Isle
Belizaire, Zelline 54-2 West Jefferson
Breaux, Jalaycia 53-8 Ascension Catholic
Scott, Serenity 52-8 Terrebonne
Richoux, Jolee 49-7 Grand Isle
Richardson, TaShon Sophie B. Wright
Butler, Mckenzie Terrebonne
Warren, Elaysha West Jefferson
Hunter, Jorden Morgan City
Washington, Nakoda Patterson
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Girls High Jump 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Williams, Hailee 5-0 Thibodaux
Duet, Kourtney 5-0 South Lafourche
Brown, Kaylee 4-10 Ascension Catholic
Sa-ayo, Chrysy 4-8 South Terrebonne
Larpenter, Isabella 4-6 Houma Christian
Simoneaux, Allie 4-4 Berwick
Spencer, Tiana 4-4 Terrebonne
Bourgeois, Abigail Houma Christian
Simmons, Dasayah South Terrebonne
Arceneaux, Ja'leaha Terrebonne
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Girls Javelin 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, Jakharia 118-10 H. L. Bourgeois Braves
Pellegrin, Kaci 94-5 H. L. Bourgeois Braves
Wells, Amelia 92-1 South Lafourche
Chiasson, Hannah 90-10 South Lafourche
Barnett, Anabelle 84-10 Terrebonne
LACOSTE, Landyn 83-1 Berwick
Vacarella, Ava 82-10 Central Catholic
Lirette, Ocean 81-9 Thibodaux
Richoux, Maci 79-4 South Terrebonne
Portier, Addison 77-8 South Terrebonne
Pregeant, Chandler 75-0 Vandebilt Catholic
Breaux, Gracie 71-1 Vandebilt Catholic
Williams, Kennedy 70-2 Thibodaux
Champagne, Jaycie 69-8 Covenant Christian
Albert, Aaliya 67-9 Terrebonne
Bellanger, Evie 66-5.5 Houma Christian
Belizaire, Zelline 66-5 West Jefferson
Loyacano, Makayla 62-7 Grand Isle
Magnon, Natalie 61-0.75 Grand Isle
Pennison, Michaela 56-11 Houma Christian
Crochet, Peyton 33-4 Ascension Catholic
Little, Dyamond 24-4 A.J. Ellender
Warren, Elaysha West Jefferson
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Girls Long Jump 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stokes, Sa'niah 17-6 South Terrebonne
Carey, Maddison 17-0 Covenant Christian
Williams, Hailee 16-10 Thibodaux
Belvin, Kamiah 16-8.25 Sophie B. Wright
Blondell, Laila 16-3 Ben Franklin
Geason, Jorden 16-2.75 Central Catholic
Duet, Kourtney 16-2 South Lafourche
Simmons, Dasayah 16-1.5 South Terrebonne
Brown, Layla 16-0 Terrebonne
Giles, Biore 15-6 West Jefferson
Wolfe, Raigan 15-6 Vandebilt Catholic
Harris, Bria 15-5 Terrebonne
Richoux, Morgan 15-2 Vandebilt Catholic
Danos, Emerson 15-0 Houma Christian
Bosman, Ella 14-11 Berwick
Williams, Trinity 14-9 A.J. Ellender
Pepper, Keslynn 14-9 A.J. Ellender
Falkins, Erielle 14-4.5 West Jefferson
Brown, Ja'layah 14-2.25 Ascension Catholic
Gisclair, Avery 13-11 South Lafourche
Verdin Scott, Malaysia 13-9.5 H. L. Bourgeois Braves
Brown, Ja'myah 13-6.25 Ascension Catholic
Thompson, Jayla 13-5.5 H. L. Bourgeois Braves
Smith, Bailee 13-5.25 Berwick
Henry , Ma'Kayla 13-4 Patterson
Bourgeois, Abigail 11-8.75 Houma Christian
Jenkins, Morgan 11-4 Covenant Christian
Raines, Cecilia Ben Franklin
Washington, Nakoda Patterson
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Girls Pole Vault 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gueldner, Catherine 9-11.25 Vandebilt Catholic
Jurek, Madison 8-0 Thibodaux
St. Pierre, Kyleigh 8-0 South Lafourche
Ruiz, Anna Belle 7-0 Berwick
Womack, Bailey 6-6 Berwick
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Girls Shot Put 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Boura, Ava 40-7 South Lafourche
Brown, Kaylee 37-7 Ascension Catholic
Stewart, Tyanna 35-6 Vandebilt Catholic
O'Quin, Madelyn 34-11 South Lafourche
Carter, Ke'nisha 32-8 Thibodaux
Davis, Dechyla 32-8 Patterson
Domonique, Kendrick 30-5 South Terrebonne
Mensman, Caroline 29-3.5 Berwick
Celestine, Cenae 28-11 H. L. Bourgeois Braves
Kincade, Lucille 28-8 Central Catholic
Glover, Brailynn 28-5 Thibodaux
Williams, Nakaila 26-11.5 Terrebonne
Belizaire, Zelline 26-10 West Jefferson
Hebert, Mackenzie 24-6 Vandebilt Catholic
Nixon, Cache' 23-8.5 Terrebonne
Robinson, Jermail 23-7 South Terrebonne
Santiny, Laniey 21-11.5 Grand Isle
Haqq, Giovanni 20-9 Sophie B. Wright
Jones, Zanari 20-6.5 Patterson
Santiny, Abryann 18-1 Grand Isle
Martin, Kamryn 17-10.75 Houma Christian
Pennison, Michaela 17-9 Houma Christian
Breaux, Jalaycia 16-4.5 Ascension Catholic
Richardson, TaShon Sophie B. Wright
Warren, Elaysha West Jefferson
Hunter, Jorden Morgan City
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Girls Triple Jump 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Duet, Kourtney 35-4 South Lafourche
Geason, Jorden 34-10.75 Central Catholic
Young, Ire'Yanna 33-7.5 Morgan City
Stokes, Sa'niah 33-4 South Terrebonne
Williams, Hailee 32-10.5 Thibodaux
Williams, Trinity 32-1.75 A.J. Ellender
Richoux, Morgan 32-0.5 Vandebilt Catholic
Falkins, Erielle 32-0 West Jefferson
Bosman, Ella 31-4 Berwick
Smith, Bailee 30-2.5 Berwick
Gisclair, Avery 29-11 South Lafourche
Landry, Katelyn 29-11 South Terrebonne
Haqq, Giovanni Sophie B. Wright
Landry, Madlyn Terrebonne
Arceneaux, Ja'leaha Terrebonne
Jenkins, Morgan Covenant Christian
Grogan, Gabriella Patterson
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