Catholic Grizzly Relays 2017

Baton Rouge, LA

Complete Results

 Adkins Trak Timing - Contractor License                  4/13/2017 - 7:21 PM
                      2017 Grizzly's Relays - 4/13/2017                      
                            Catholic High School                             
Event 17  Girls 4x200 Meter Relay
 Meet Record: G 1:39.20  2005        Scotlandville Magnet High Sch, Sco      
                         A Charles, N Noel, R Green, J Hall                  
     Stadium: S 1:39.20  2005        Scotlandville Magnet High, Scotlan      
                         A Charles, N Noel, R Green, J Hall                  
    School                                               Finals  Points      
  1 Baton Rouge  'A'                                    1:45.00   10         
     1) 14 Price, Raelynn               2) 2 Bethley, Shaniah                
     3) 11 Legier, Terrilyn             4) 4 Carlin, Shelby                  
  2 St. Joseph's Academy BR  'A'                        1:47.58    8         
     1) 214 LaFleur, Sydney             2) 222 Stephens, Kelly Clare         
     3) 206 Betz, Bradlee               4) 202 Barbay, Alexis                
  3 Episcopal, BR  'A'                                  1:52.49    6         
     1) 92 Nicholls, Allie              2) 82 Ahmad, Shannon                 
     3) 87 Heaslip, Riely               4) 89 Kimbrell, Deven                
  4 McKinley  'A'                                       1:54.57    4         
     1) 128 Martin, Brionne             2) 126 Forman, Johne'                
     3) 127 Horne, Alexius              4) 131 Whitaker, Alaycia             
  5 Parkview Baptist  'A'                               1:55.73    2         
     1) 141 Bozeman, Conner             2) 143 Clark, Jaden                  
     3) 146 Kelley, Raven               4) 151 Robertson, Taylor             
  6 Southern Lab  'A'                                   1:57.58    1         
     1) 175 Day, Kacey                  2) 178 Leflore, Tarkeia              
     3) 177 Foster, Asia                4) 176 Duncan, Kenadi                
                        Women - Team Rankings - 16 Events Scored             
    1) St. Joseph's Academy BR    190        2) Baton Rouge               123
    3) Parkview Baptist            77        4) Episcopal, BR              59
    5) Broadmoor                   26        6) McKinley                    9
    7) Southern Lab                 3                                        

 Adkins Trak Timing - Contractor License                  4/13/2017 - 7:21 PM
                      2017 Grizzly's Relays - 4/13/2017                      
                            Catholic High School                             
Event 18  Boys 4x200 Meter Relay
 Meet Record: G 1:26.40  2009        Catholic High School, Catholic Hig      
                         M Thomas, B Guarisco, K Taylor, A Rhorer            
     Stadium: S 1:26.40  2009        Catholic High School, Catholic Hig      
                         M.Thomas,B.Guarisco,K.Taylor,A. Rhorer              
    School                                               Finals  Points      
  1 Catholic BR  'A'                                    1:28.79   10         
     1) 77 Rounds, Cade                 2) 64 Hollier, Sethan                
     3) 66 Jackson, Tyrell              4) 75 Palmisano, Lane                
  2 Baton Rouge  'A'                                    1:31.23    8         
     1) 24 Sam, Ethan                   2) 21 Dangerfield, Aaron             
     3) 26 Thomas IV, Andrew            4) 25 Thigpen, Vernon                
  3 Episcopal, BR  'A'                                  1:32.26    6         
     1) 109 Gould, Raymond              2) 104 DeWitt, Jacob                 
     3) 112 Jemison, Austin             4) 108 Garrido, Brandon              
  4 Broadmoor  'A'                                      1:41.82    4         
     1) 38 Dickerson, Herman            2) 50 Robertson, Desmond             
     3) 44 Lee, Patrick                 4) 45 Milsap, Christopher            
  5 Parkview Baptist  'A'                               1:46.39    2         
     1) 169 Menard, Conley              2) 165 Howard, Matt                  
     3) 158 Blouin, Jude                4) 168 Meaux, Caleb                  
                          Men - Team Rankings - 15 Events Scored             
    1) Catholic BR                190        2) Episcopal, BR             108
    3) Parkview Baptist            70        4) Broadmoor                  39
    5) Baton Rouge                 36        6) McKinley                   17
    7) Southern Lab                 1                                        

 Adkins Trak Timing - Contractor License                  4/13/2017 - 7:21 PM
                      2017 Grizzly's Relays - 4/13/2017                      
                            Catholic High School                             
Event 9  Girls 1600 Meter Run
 Meet Record: G 5:05.50  2005        Jakia Williams, Ruston High School      
     Stadium: S 5:05.50  2005        Jakia Williams, Ruston High School      
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points      
  1   210 Chauvin, Gabriella     St. Joseph's           5:12.03   10         
   1:16.123 (1:16.123)     2:37.498 (1:21.375)     3:58.998 (1:21.500)       
   5:12.025 (1:13.027)                                                       
  2    99 Stamey, Alicia         Episcopal, BR          5:18.90    8         
   1:15.653 (1:15.653)     2:37.053 (1:21.400)     4:00.056 (1:23.003)       
   5:18.894 (1:18.838)                                                       
  3   212 Hendry, Lauren         St. Joseph's           5:30.57    6         
   1:17.237 (1:17.237)     2:39.973 (1:22.736)     4:04.577 (1:24.604)       
   5:30.565 (1:25.988)                                                       
  4   144 Desselle, Amber        Parkview Baptist       5:40.92    4         
   1:22.069 (1:22.069)     2:50.298 (1:28.229)     4:20.137 (1:29.839)       
   5:40.916 (1:20.779)                                                       
  5     8 Hemmerling, Phoebe     Baton Rouge            5:54.81    2         
   1:21.362 (1:21.362)     2:49.361 (1:27.999)     4:20.816 (1:31.455)       
   5:54.810 (1:33.994)                                                       
  6    15 Richter, Amanda        Baton Rouge            6:04.81    1         
   1:23.425 (1:23.425)     2:53.055 (1:29.630)     4:27.205 (1:34.150)       
   6:04.803 (1:37.598)                                                       
  7   155 Tuttle, Meredith       Parkview Baptist       6:14.15              
   1:24.197 (1:24.197)     2:57.161 (1:32.964)     4:36.421 (1:39.260)       
   6:14.146 (1:37.725)                                                       
                        Women - Team Rankings - 16 Events Scored             
    1) St. Joseph's Academy BR    190        2) Baton Rouge               123
    3) Parkview Baptist            77        4) Episcopal, BR              59
    5) Broadmoor                   26        6) McKinley                    9
    7) Southern Lab                 3                                        

 Adkins Trak Timing - Contractor License                  4/13/2017 - 7:21 PM
                      2017 Grizzly's Relays - 4/13/2017                      
                            Catholic High School                             
Event 10  Boys 1600 Meter Run
 Meet Record: G 4:21.10  1996        Robby LeBlanc, Catholic High Schoo      
     Stadium: S 4:15.90  1996        Robby LeBlanc, Catholic High Schoo      
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points      
  1    74 Miller, Harold         Catholic BR            4:30.18   10         
   1:06.605 (1:06.605)     2:14.754 (1:08.149)     3:23.679 (1:08.925)       
   4:30.171 (1:06.492)                                                       
  2    62 Hedges, Collin         Catholic BR            4:31.57    8         
   1:06.992 (1:06.992)     2:15.726 (1:08.734)     3:25.184 (1:09.458)       
   4:31.570 (1:06.386)                                                       
  3   113 Lee, Michael           Episcopal, BR          4:34.32    6         
   1:06.799 (1:06.799)     2:14.980 (1:08.181)     3:23.920 (1:08.940)       
   4:34.320 (1:10.400)                                                       
  4   111 Jackson, Kris          Episcopal, BR          4:51.26    4         
   1:06.679 (1:06.679)     2:18.074 (1:11.395)     3:33.864 (1:15.790)       
   4:51.251 (1:17.387)                                                       
  5   166 McCulloch, Carter      Parkview Baptist       5:02.48    2         
   1:08.608 (1:08.608)     2:26.659 (1:18.051)     3:47.182 (1:20.523)       
   5:02.477 (1:15.295)                                                       
  6   170 Noe, Nic               Parkview Baptist       5:08.37    1         
   1:09.008 (1:09.008)     2:27.130 (1:18.122)     3:48.189 (1:21.059)       
   5:08.370 (1:20.181)                                                       
  7    33 Akrim, Hesham          Broadmoor              5:22.92              
   1:14.986 (1:14.986)     2:37.583 (1:22.597)     3:59.767 (1:22.184)       
   5:22.913 (1:23.146)                                                       
  8   137 Lamotte, Adrian        McKinley               5:33.99              
   1:06.813 (1:06.813)     2:25.317 (1:18.504)     3:54.862 (1:29.545)       
   5:33.985 (1:39.123)                                                       
                          Men - Team Rankings - 15 Events Scored             
    1) Catholic BR                190        2) Episcopal, BR             108
    3) Parkview Baptist            70        4) Broadmoor                  39
    5) Baton Rouge                 36        6) McKinley                   17
    7) Southern Lab                 1                                        

 Adkins Trak Timing - Contractor License                  4/13/2017 - 7:21 PM
                      2017 Grizzly's Relays - 4/13/2017                      
                            Catholic High School                             
Event 11  Girls 100 Meter Hurdles
 Meet Record: G 13.83  2014        Mikiah Brisco, Baton Rouge Magnet         
     Stadium: S 13.83  2014        Mikiah Brisco, Baton Rouge Magnet         
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points      
  1    31 Rucker, Destiny        Broadmoor                16.52   10         
  2   226 Windham, Jennifer      St. Joseph's             17.07    8         
  3   219 Ramsey, McKenna        St. Joseph's             17.26    6         
  4    85 Davis, Caitlin         Episcopal, BR            18.23    4         
  5    84 Cullens, Grace         Episcopal, BR            18.79    2         
                        Women - Team Rankings - 16 Events Scored             
    1) St. Joseph's Academy BR    190        2) Baton Rouge               123
    3) Parkview Baptist            77        4) Episcopal, BR              59
    5) Broadmoor                   26        6) McKinley                    9
    7) Southern Lab                 3                                        

 Adkins Trak Timing - Contractor License                  4/13/2017 - 7:21 PM
                      2017 Grizzly's Relays - 4/13/2017                      
                            Catholic High School                             
Event 12  Boys 110 Meter Hurdles
 Meet Record: G 13.80  2009        Ricky Sheldon, Episcopal High School      
     Stadium: S 13.50  2013        Ken Ward, Catholic High School            
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points      
  1    60 Cummings, Kam          Catholic BR              14.41   10         
  2   105 Dickinson, Caden       Episcopal, BR            15.43    8         
  3    67 Langley, Vernon        Catholic BR              15.73    6         
  4   164 Hensley, Kai           Parkview Baptist         15.75    4         
  5   116 Murray, Nathan         Episcopal, BR            17.10    2         
  6    44 Lee, Patrick           Broadmoor                17.27    1         
                          Men - Team Rankings - 15 Events Scored             
    1) Catholic BR                190        2) Episcopal, BR             108
    3) Parkview Baptist            70        4) Broadmoor                  39
    5) Baton Rouge                 36        6) McKinley                   17
    7) Southern Lab                 1                                        

 Adkins Trak Timing - Contractor License                      4/13/2017 - 7:20 PM
                        2017 Grizzly's Relays - 4/13/2017                        
                              Catholic High School                               
Event 1  Girls 100 Meter Dash
 Meet Record: G 11.60  2001        Shamika Louis, Academy of Sacred Heart        
     Stadium: S 11.60  2011        Kamaria Brown, McKinley High School           
     Stadium: S 11.60  2001        Shamika Lewis, Academy of Sacred Heart        
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points       
  1   217 Mayo, Kayla            St. Joseph's             13.15   2  10          
  2   204 Benjamin, Kennedy      St. Joseph's             13.19   2   8    13.181
  3     6 Dunn, Maya             Baton Rouge              13.19   2   6    13.182
  4     4 Carlin, Shelby         Baton Rouge              13.29   2   4          
  5   178 Leflore, Tarkeia       Southern Lab             13.88   1   2          
  6   151 Robertson, Taylor      Parkview Baptist         14.29   2   1          
  7   126 Forman, Johne'         McKinley                 14.43   2              
  8   149 Musso, Gabriella       Parkview Baptist         14.85   1              
  9    95 Roman, Halle           Episcopal, BR            15.40   1              
                        Women - Team Rankings - 16 Events Scored                 
    1) St. Joseph's Academy BR    190        2) Baton Rouge               123    
    3) Parkview Baptist            77        4) Episcopal, BR              59    
    5) Broadmoor                   26        6) McKinley                    9    
    7) Southern Lab                 3                                            

 Adkins Trak Timing - Contractor License                  4/13/2017 - 7:21 PM
                      2017 Grizzly's Relays - 4/13/2017                      
                            Catholic High School                             
Event 2  Boys 100 Meter Dash
 Meet Record: G 10.40  1996        Travis Minor, Catholic High School        
     Stadium: S 10.30  2005        Trey Harts, Barbe High School             
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points   
  1    64 Hollier, Sethan        Catholic BR              10.81   2  10      
  2   109 Gould, Raymond         Episcopal, BR            11.23   2   8      
  3    24 Sam, Ethan             Baton Rouge              11.30   2   6      
  4    55 Aggrey, Ebenezer       Catholic BR              11.58   1   4      
  5    26 Thomas IV, Andrew      Baton Rouge              11.64   2   2      
  6   132 Anderson, Malik        McKinley                 11.73   2   1      
  7   103 Coffman, Grant         Episcopal, BR            11.82   1          
  8    50 Robertson, Desmond     Broadmoor                11.85   2          
  9   158 Blouin, Jude           Parkview Baptist         11.87   1          
 10   163 Granger, Chase         Parkview Baptist         12.27   1          
                          Men - Team Rankings - 15 Events Scored             
    1) Catholic BR                190        2) Episcopal, BR             108
    3) Parkview Baptist            70        4) Broadmoor                  39
    5) Baton Rouge                 36        6) McKinley                   17
    7) Southern Lab                 1                                        

 Adkins Trak Timing - Contractor License                  4/13/2017 - 7:21 PM
                      2017 Grizzly's Relays - 4/13/2017                      
                            Catholic High School                             
Event 7  Girls 800 Meter Run
 Meet Record: G 2:15.10  2005        Katara Rosby, Baton Rouge Magnet        
     Stadium: S 2:13.00  2005        Katara Rosby, Baton Rouge Magnet        
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points      
  1    14 Price, Raelynn         Baton Rouge            2:21.65   10         
   1:11.663 (1:11.663)     2:21.641 (1:09.978)                               
  2    83 Broussard, Adele       Episcopal, BR          2:22.32    8         
   1:09.466 (1:09.466)     2:22.315 (1:12.849)                               
  3   227 Winters, Taylor        St. Joseph's           2:27.30    6         
   1:12.546 (1:12.546)     2:27.296 (1:14.751)                               
  4   145 Hardy, Callie          Parkview Baptist       2:29.96    4         
   1:14.543 (1:14.543)     2:29.958 (1:15.415)                               
  5   210 Chauvin, Gabriella     St. Joseph's           2:31.21    2         
   1:15.401 (1:15.401)     2:31.204 (1:15.804)                               
  6   150 Pedigo, Ariel          Parkview Baptist       2:34.76    1         
   1:14.179 (1:14.179)     2:34.752 (1:20.574)                               
  7   127 Horne, Alexius         McKinley               2:40.90              
   1:13.338 (1:13.338)     2:40.891 (1:27.554)                               
  8    17 Russ, Sasha            Baton Rouge            2:42.75              
   1:18.181 (1:18.181)     2:42.746 (1:24.565)                               
  9   129 Payne, Haylah          McKinley               2:47.63              
   1:16.605 (1:16.605)     2:47.629 (1:31.025)                               
                        Women - Team Rankings - 16 Events Scored             
    1) St. Joseph's Academy BR    190        2) Baton Rouge               123
    3) Parkview Baptist            77        4) Episcopal, BR              59
    5) Broadmoor                   26        6) McKinley                    9
    7) Southern Lab                 3                                        

 Adkins Trak Timing - Contractor License                  4/13/2017 - 7:21 PM
                      2017 Grizzly's Relays - 4/13/2017                      
                            Catholic High School                             
Event 8  Boys 800 Meter Run
 Meet Record: G 1:56.59  2013        Matthew Rhorer, Catholic High Scho      
     Stadium: S 1:55.90  2010        Julian Parker, Catholic High Schoo      
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points      
  1   107 Frazier, Graham        Episcopal, BR          1:58.60   10         
       57.915 (57.915)     1:58.594 (1:00.680)                               
  2   173 Vega, Alex             Parkview Baptist       1:59.07    8         
       57.926 (57.926)     1:59.061 (1:01.135)                               
  3    73 Miller, Brian          Catholic BR            2:01.23    6         
       58.661 (58.661)     2:01.224 (1:02.564)                               
  4    65 Howell, Mathew         Catholic BR            2:02.38    4         
       59.172 (59.172)     2:02.379 (1:03.207)                               
  5   102 Broussard, Austin      Episcopal, BR          2:03.71    2         
       59.631 (59.631)     2:03.702 (1:04.071)                               
  6   138 Sanders, Ja'Coby       McKinley               2:10.60    1         
       59.467 (59.467)     2:10.592 (1:11.125)                               
  7    22 Gallow, DaRyan         Baton Rouge            2:11.78              
   1:00.366 (1:00.366)     2:11.772 (1:11.406)                               
  8   133 Elliott, Craig         McKinley               2:16.82              
       58.722 (58.722)     2:16.811 (1:18.090)                               
  9   170 Noe, Nic               Parkview Baptist       2:20.19              
   1:04.501 (1:04.501)     2:20.182 (1:15.682)                               
 10    38 Dickerson, Herman      Broadmoor              2:35.41              
   1:10.507 (1:10.507)     2:35.401 (1:24.894)                               
 11    23 Johnson, Julian        Baton Rouge            2:37.68              
   1:06.035 (1:06.035)     2:37.671 (1:31.636)                               
                          Men - Team Rankings - 15 Events Scored             
    1) Catholic BR                190        2) Episcopal, BR             108
    3) Parkview Baptist            70        4) Broadmoor                  39
    5) Baton Rouge                 36        6) McKinley                   17
    7) Southern Lab                 1                                        

 Adkins Trak Timing - Contractor License                  4/13/2017 - 7:21 PM
                      2017 Grizzly's Relays - 4/13/2017                      
                            Catholic High School                             
Event 15  Girls 4x100 Meter Relay
 Meet Record: G 46.70  2005        Baton Rouge Magnet, Baton Rouge Magn      
                       I. Anderson, K. Taylor, C. Wells, J. Webber           
     Stadium: S 46.70  2005        Baton Rouge Magnet, Baton Rouge Magn      
                       I Anderson, K Taylor, C Wells, J Webber               
    School                                               Finals  Points      
  1 St. Joseph's Academy BR  'A'                          50.71   10         
     1) 214 LaFleur, Sydney             2) 202 Barbay, Alexis                
     3) 206 Betz, Bradlee               4) 222 Stephens, Kelly Clare         
  2 Baton Rouge  'A'                                      53.73    8         
     1) 13 Metoyer, Danai               2) 4 Carlin, Shelby                  
     3) 16 Rixter, Daisia               4) 6 Dunn, Maya                      
  3 Parkview Baptist  'A'                                 54.04    6         
     1) 140 Blouin, Jaeda               2) 141 Bozeman, Conner               
     3) 146 Kelley, Raven               4) 143 Clark, Jaden                  
  4 Episcopal, BR  'A'                                    58.00    4         
     1) 101 Wright, Emma Kate           2) 82 Ahmad, Shannon                 
     3) 92 Nicholls, Allie              4) 87 Heaslip, Riely                 
                        Women - Team Rankings - 16 Events Scored             
    1) St. Joseph's Academy BR    190        2) Baton Rouge               123
    3) Parkview Baptist            77        4) Episcopal, BR              59
    5) Broadmoor                   26        6) McKinley                    9
    7) Southern Lab                 3                                        

 Adkins Trak Timing - Contractor License                  4/13/2017 - 7:21 PM
                      2017 Grizzly's Relays - 4/13/2017                      
                            Catholic High School                             
Event 16  Boys 4x100 Meter Relay
 Meet Record: G 41.70  2009        Catholic High School, Catholic High       
                       R. Frick, B. Guarisco, M. Thomas, A. Rhorer           
     Stadium: S 41.40  1990        Capitol High School, Capitol High Sc      
                       M. Warmsley, L. Finister, W. Foster, M. Goza          
    School                                               Finals  Points      
  1 Episcopal, BR  'A'                                    43.84   10         
     1) 109 Gould, Raymond              2) 112 Jemison, Austin               
     3) 110 Harrison, Alex              4) 108 Garrido, Brandon              
  2 Catholic BR  'A'                                      44.62    8         
     1) 69 LeBlanc, Conner              2) 75 Palmisano, Lane                
     3) 67 Langley, Vernon              4) 77 Rounds, Cade                   
  3 Parkview Baptist  'A'                                 46.14    6         
     1) 165 Howard, Matt                2) 158 Blouin, Jude                  
     3) 168 Meaux, Caleb                4) 163 Granger, Chase                
  4 Broadmoor  'A'                                        49.54    4         
     1) 54 Winn, Quinterious            2) 47 Nichols, Jhanviey              
     3) 41 Jones, Donald                4) 33 Akrim, Hesham                  
                          Men - Team Rankings - 15 Events Scored             
    1) Catholic BR                190        2) Episcopal, BR             108
    3) Parkview Baptist            70        4) Broadmoor                  39
    5) Baton Rouge                 36        6) McKinley                   17
    7) Southern Lab                 1                                        

 Adkins Trak Timing - Contractor License                  4/13/2017 - 7:21 PM
                      2017 Grizzly's Relays - 4/13/2017                      
                            Catholic High School                             
Event 5  Girls 400 Meter Dash
 Meet Record: G 54.73  2010        Kamaria Brown, Baton Rouge Magnet         
     Stadium: S 54.73  2010        Kamaria Brown, Baton Rouge Magnet         
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points      
  1    11 Legier, Terrilyn       Baton Rouge              57.29   10         
  2     2 Bethley, Shaniah       Baton Rouge            1:01.02    8         
  3   208 Bordlee, Elise         St. Joseph's           1:03.75    6         
  4   131 Whitaker, Alaycia      McKinley               1:06.37    4         
  5   213 Hill, Juliana          St. Joseph's           1:07.45    2         
  6   128 Martin, Brionne        McKinley               1:07.63    1         
  7    27 Clark, Taliyah         Broadmoor              1:09.42              
                        Women - Team Rankings - 16 Events Scored             
    1) St. Joseph's Academy BR    190        2) Baton Rouge               123
    3) Parkview Baptist            77        4) Episcopal, BR              59
    5) Broadmoor                   26        6) McKinley                    9
    7) Southern Lab                 3                                        

 Adkins Trak Timing - Contractor License                  4/13/2017 - 7:21 PM
                      2017 Grizzly's Relays - 4/13/2017                      
                            Catholic High School                             
Event 6  Boys 400 Meter Dash
 Meet Record: G 48.30  1995        Terrance Quinn, Belaire High School       
     Stadium: S 47.80  1992        Shane Begnaud, Northside High School      
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points      
  1   135 Hargrove, Tyrell       McKinley                 49.10   10         
  2    66 Jackson, Tyrell        Catholic BR              50.53    8         
  3   123 Wendt, Hunter          Episcopal, BR            51.68    6         
  4    58 Butler, DJ             Catholic BR              51.78    4         
  5   121 Sharp, Dawson          Episcopal, BR            52.22    2         
  6   136 Henderson, Brendon     McKinley                 53.72    1         
  7   160 Dougherty, Aaron       Parkview Baptist         57.53              
  8    38 Dickerson, Herman      Broadmoor              1:06.22              
                          Men - Team Rankings - 15 Events Scored             
    1) Catholic BR                190        2) Episcopal, BR             108
    3) Parkview Baptist            70        4) Broadmoor                  39
    5) Baton Rouge                 36        6) McKinley                   17
    7) Southern Lab                 1                                        

 Adkins Trak Timing - Contractor License                  4/13/2017 - 7:21 PM
                      2017 Grizzly's Relays - 4/13/2017                      
                            Catholic High School                             
Event 13  Girls 300 Meter Hurdles
 Meet Record: G 44.10  2006        Jerika Hall, Scotlandville Magnet         
     Stadium: S 44.10  2006        Jerika Hall, Scotlandville Magnet         
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points      
  1    31 Rucker, Destiny        Broadmoor                49.92   10         
  2   226 Windham, Jennifer      St. Joseph's             51.74    8         
  3   100 Underwood, Mary Ka     Episcopal, BR            51.87    6         
  4   153 Tate, Kameron          Parkview Baptist         51.92    4         
  5   219 Ramsey, McKenna        St. Joseph's             53.22    2         
  6   147 Lewis, Christina       Parkview Baptist         53.52    1         
  7    84 Cullens, Grace         Episcopal, BR            54.62              
                        Women - Team Rankings - 16 Events Scored             
    1) St. Joseph's Academy BR    190        2) Baton Rouge               123
    3) Parkview Baptist            77        4) Episcopal, BR              59
    5) Broadmoor                   26        6) McKinley                    9
    7) Southern Lab                 3                                        

 Adkins Trak Timing - Contractor License                  4/13/2017 - 7:21 PM
                      2017 Grizzly's Relays - 4/13/2017                      
                            Catholic High School                             
Event 14  Boys 300 Meter Hurdles
 Meet Record: G 37.40  2013        DJ  Woodard, Catholic High School         
     Stadium: S 37.40  2013        DJ Woodard, Catholic High School          
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points      
  1    60 Cummings, Kam          Catholic BR              38.70   10         
  2    34 Atkins, Clavion        Broadmoor                40.76    8         
  3    51 Thompson, Jordan       Broadmoor                41.72    6         
  4    77 Rounds, Cade           Catholic BR              41.81    4         
  5   116 Murray, Nathan         Episcopal, BR            43.30    2         
  6   164 Hensley, Kai           Parkview Baptist         45.66    1         
  7   168 Meaux, Caleb           Parkview Baptist         47.45              
  8   115 McInnis, Todd          Episcopal, BR            49.98              
                          Men - Team Rankings - 15 Events Scored             
    1) Catholic BR                190        2) Episcopal, BR             108
    3) Parkview Baptist            70        4) Broadmoor                  39
    5) Baton Rouge                 36        6) McKinley                   17
    7) Southern Lab                 1                                        

 Adkins Trak Timing - Contractor License                  4/13/2017 - 7:21 PM
                      2017 Grizzly's Relays - 4/13/2017                      
                            Catholic High School                             
Event 3  Girls 200 Meter Dash
 Meet Record: G 23.93  2010        Kamaria Brown, Baton Rouge Magnet         
     Stadium: S 23.93  2010        Kamaria Brown, Baton Rouge Magnet         
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points      
  1   217 Mayo, Kayla            St. Joseph's             27.13   10         
  2     6 Dunn, Maya             Baton Rouge              27.70    8         
  3   206 Betz, Bradlee          St. Joseph's             28.48    6         
  4   151 Robertson, Taylor      Parkview Baptist         29.80    4         
  5   149 Musso, Gabriella       Parkview Baptist         31.23    2         
                        Women - Team Rankings - 16 Events Scored             
    1) St. Joseph's Academy BR    190        2) Baton Rouge               123
    3) Parkview Baptist            77        4) Episcopal, BR              59
    5) Broadmoor                   26        6) McKinley                    9
    7) Southern Lab                 3                                        

 Adkins Trak Timing - Contractor License                      4/13/2017 - 7:21 PM
                        2017 Grizzly's Relays - 4/13/2017                        
                              Catholic High School                               
Event 4  Boys 200 Meter Dash
 Meet Record: G 21.10  2001        Ahmad Jasmine, Christian Life                 
     Stadium: S 21.00  2005        Trey Harts, Barbe High School                 
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points       
  1    64 Hollier, Sethan        Catholic BR              21.82   2  10          
  2    25 Thigpen, Vernon        Baton Rouge              22.95   2   8          
  3    55 Aggrey, Ebenezer       Catholic BR              23.50   2   6          
  4   132 Anderson, Malik        McKinley                 23.77   2   4    23.764
  5    21 Dangerfield, Aaron     Baton Rouge              23.77   1   2    23.766
  6   110 Harrison, Alex         Episcopal, BR            24.00   2   1          
  7    39 Jackson, Jaelin        Broadmoor                24.59   1              
  8   158 Blouin, Jude           Parkview Baptist         24.84   1              
  9   139 Wright, Clark          McKinley                 25.15   1              
 10   103 Coffman, Grant         Episcopal, BR            25.30   2              
                          Men - Team Rankings - 15 Events Scored                 
    1) Catholic BR                190        2) Episcopal, BR             108    
    3) Parkview Baptist            70        4) Broadmoor                  39    
    5) Baton Rouge                 36        6) McKinley                   17    
    7) Southern Lab                 1                                            

 Adkins Trak Timing - Contractor License                  4/13/2017 - 7:37 PM
                      2017 Grizzly's Relays - 4/13/2017                      
                            Catholic High School                             
Event 36  Girls 3200 Meter Run
 Meet Record: G 11:29.90  2004        Aubrey Phillips, Woodlawn High Sc      
     Stadium: S 11:13.50  2005        Jakia Williams, Ruston High Schoo      
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points      
  1 Hendry, Lauren               St. Joseph's          11:34.30   10         
   1:24.489 (1:24.489)     2:52.045 (1:27.556)     4:19.708 (1:27.663)       
   5:46.377 (1:26.669)     7:15.934 (1:29.557)     8:46.167 (1:30.233)       
  10:13.271 (1:27.104)    11:34.298 (1:21.027)                               
  2 Schwab, Hayley               Episcopal, BR         11:41.44    8         
   1:24.282 (1:24.282)     2:52.000 (1:27.718)     4:19.624 (1:27.624)       
   5:46.089 (1:26.465)     7:15.829 (1:29.740)     8:46.084 (1:30.255)       
  10:13.444 (1:27.360)    11:41.434 (1:27.990)                               
  3 Bennett, Jennifer            St. Joseph's          12:01.51    6         
   1:24.976 (1:24.976)     2:53.955 (1:28.979)     4:25.019 (1:31.064)       
   5:55.163 (1:30.144)     7:27.478 (1:32.315)     9:02.449 (1:34.971)       
  10:36.883 (1:34.434)    12:01.504 (1:24.621)                               
  4 Whipp, Josie                 Parkview Baptist      12:02.10    4         
   1:25.004 (1:25.004)     2:52.708 (1:27.704)     4:23.740 (1:31.032)       
   5:55.411 (1:31.671)     7:27.617 (1:32.206)     9:01.969 (1:34.352)       
  10:36.206 (1:34.237)    12:02.093 (1:25.887)                               
  5 Hemmerling, Phoebe           Baton Rouge           13:34.33    2         
   1:25.569 (1:25.569)     2:58.752 (1:33.183)     4:39.180 (1:40.428)       
   6:21.791 (1:42.611)     8:07.877 (1:46.086)     9:56.661 (1:48.784)       
  11:46.973 (1:50.312)    13:34.328 (1:47.355)                               
  6 Ahmad, Jill                  Episcopal, BR         15:21.06    1         
   1:36.594 (1:36.594)     3:24.435 (1:47.841)     5:16.871 (1:52.436)       
   7:13.104 (1:56.233)     9:13.743 (2:00.639)    11:19.398 (2:05.655)       
  13:24.046 (2:04.648)    15:21.058 (1:57.012)                               
                        Women - Team Rankings - 17 Events Scored             
    1) St. Joseph's Academy BR    206        2) Baton Rouge               125
    3) Parkview Baptist            81        4) Episcopal, BR              68
    5) Broadmoor                   26        6) McKinley                    9
    7) Southern Lab                 3                                        

 Adkins Trak Timing - Contractor License                  4/13/2017 - 8:00 PM
                      2017 Grizzly's Relays - 4/13/2017                      
                            Catholic High School                             
Event 35  Boys 3200 Meter Run
 Meet Record: G 9:23.80  1996        Robby LeBlanc, Catholic High Schoo      
     Stadium: S 9:23.80  1996        Robby LeBlanc, Catholic High Schoo      
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points      
  1 Schafer, Kenny               Episcopal, BR          9:50.18   10         
   1:11.981 (1:11.981)     2:26.758 (1:14.777)     3:38.178 (1:11.420)       
   4:51.148 (1:12.970)     6:05.291 (1:14.143)     7:21.762 (1:16.471)       
   8:38.310 (1:16.548)     9:50.178 (1:11.868)                               
  2 Laville, Thomas              Catholic BR            9:50.76    8         
   1:12.099 (1:12.099)     2:26.697 (1:14.598)     3:38.615 (1:11.918)       
   4:51.543 (1:12.928)     6:05.337 (1:13.794)     7:21.598 (1:16.261)       
   8:37.892 (1:16.294)     9:50.752 (1:12.860)                               
  3 Dugas, Caleb                 Catholic BR           10:10.70    6         
   1:12.305 (1:12.305)     2:26.980 (1:14.675)     3:38.894 (1:11.914)       
   4:52.276 (1:13.382)     6:08.632 (1:16.356)     7:28.690 (1:20.058)       
   8:50.081 (1:21.391)    10:10.699 (1:20.618)                               
  4 Whitehurst, David            Episcopal, BR         10:28.84    4         
   1:13.508 (1:13.508)     2:29.754 (1:16.246)     3:46.871 (1:17.117)       
   5:05.537 (1:18.666)     6:25.460 (1:19.923)     7:47.872 (1:22.412)       
   9:10.872 (1:23.000)    10:28.837 (1:17.965)                               
  5 Park, Bryce                  Parkview Baptist      12:48.10    2         
   1:19.416 (1:19.416)     2:51.003 (1:31.587)     4:21.836 (1:30.833)       
   5:56.808 (1:34.972)     7:36.398 (1:39.590)     9:22.353 (1:45.955)       
  11:06.292 (1:43.939)    12:48.092 (1:41.800)                               
                          Men - Team Rankings - 17 Events Scored             
    1) Catholic BR                216        2) Episcopal, BR             136
    3) Parkview Baptist            72        4) Broadmoor                  43
    5) Baton Rouge                 36        6) McKinley                   17
    7) Southern Lab                 1                                        

 Adkins Trak Timing - Contractor License                  4/13/2017 - 8:00 PM
                      2017 Grizzly's Relays - 4/13/2017                      
                            Catholic High School                             
Event 19  Girls 4x400 Meter Relay
 Meet Record: G 3:53.80  2009        Baton Rouge Magnet, Baton Rouge Ma      
                         R Anderson, M Anderson, J Banks, K Brown            
     Stadium: S 3:49.10  2003        Baton Rouge Magnet, Baton Rouge Ma      
                         B. Harris, K. Kador, K. Rosby, K. Taylor            
    School                                               Finals  Points      
  1 Baton Rouge  'A'                                    4:01.78   10         
     1) Bethley, Shaniah                2) Price, Raelynn                    
     3) Carlin, Shelby                  4) Legier, Terrilyn                  
  2 St. Joseph's Academy BR  'A'                        4:05.98    8         
     1) Winters, Taylor                 2) Stephens, Kelly Clare             
     3) Livingston, Leanne              4) Chauvin, Gabriella                
  3 McKinley  'A'                                       4:22.90    6         
     1) Martin, Brionne                 2) Horne, Alexius                    
     3) Payne, Haylah                   4) Whitaker, Alaycia                 
  4 Parkview Baptist  'A'                               4:32.15    4         
     1) Hardy, Callie                   2) Sorrel, Leanne                    
     3) Tate, Kameron                   4) Pedigo, Ariel                     
  5 Episcopal, BR  'A'                                  4:37.63    2         
     1) Underwood, Mary Kathryn         2) Broussard, Adele                  
     3) Heaslip, Riely                  4) Heaslip, Hunter                   
                        Women - Team Rankings - 18 Events Scored             
    1) St. Joseph's Academy BR    214        2) Baton Rouge               135
    3) Parkview Baptist            85        4) Episcopal, BR              70
    5) Broadmoor                   26        6) McKinley                   15
    7) Southern Lab                 3                                        

 Adkins Trak Timing - Contractor License                  4/13/2017 - 8:07 PM
                      2017 Grizzly's Relays - 4/13/2017                      
                            Catholic High School                             
Event 20  Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
 Meet Record: G 3:18.60  2006        Catholic High School, Catholic Hig      
                         B Roberts, J Pitcher, J Fleming, J Tinsley          
     Stadium: S 3:17.00  2005        Airline High School, Airline High       
                         B.Taylor, C. Nesmith, M. Fayard, M. Word            
    School                                               Finals  Points      
  1 Catholic BR  'A'                                    3:20.35   10         
     1) Butler, DJ                      2) Jackson, Tyrell                   
     3) Palmisano, Lane                 4) Hollier, Sethan                   
  2 Episcopal, BR  'A'                                  3:26.61    8         
     1) DeWitt, Jacob                   2) Garrido, Brandon                  
     3) Sharp, Dawson                   4) Wendt, Hunter                     
  3 McKinley  'A'                                       3:26.82    6         
     1) Henderson, Brendon              2) Sanders, Ja'Coby                  
     3) Anderson, Malik                 4) Hargrove, Tyrell                  
  4 Baton Rouge  'A'                                    3:32.38    4         
     1) Sam, Ethan                      2) Gallow, DaRyan                    
     3) Dangerfield, Aaron              4) Thigpen, Vernon                   
  5 Parkview Baptist  'A'                               3:54.37    2         
     1) McCulloch, Dawson               2) Vega, Alex                        
     3) Dougherty, Aaron                4) Howard, Matt                      
                          Men - Team Rankings - 18 Events Scored             
    1) Catholic BR                226        2) Episcopal, BR             144
    3) Parkview Baptist            74        4) Broadmoor                  43
    5) Baton Rouge                 40        6) McKinley                   23
    7) Southern Lab                 1                                        

 Adkins Trak Timing - Contractor License                   4/13/2017 - 7:21 PM
                      2017 Grizzly's Relays - 4/13/2017                       
                             Catholic High School                             
Event 21  Girls Long Jump
 Meet Record: G 18-08  2005        India Anderson, Baton Rouge Magnet         
     Stadium: S 19-01  2005        India Anderson, Baton Rouge Magnet         
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points       
  1   224 West, Landry           St. Joseph's          16-10.00   10          
  2   143 Clark, Jaden           Parkview Baptist      15-09.00    8    15-5.5
  3   100 Underwood, Mary Ka     Episcopal, BR        J15-09.00    6    15-1  
  4    86 Heaslip, Hunter        Episcopal, BR         15-08.00    4          
  5     5 Cotton, Clair          Baton Rouge           15-05.00    2          
  6    19 Travis, Yesenia        Baton Rouge           14-09.50    1          
  7   207 Blouin, Haley          St. Joseph's          14-08.50               
  8   140 Blouin, Jaeda          Parkview Baptist      14-02.75               
                        Women - Team Rankings - 16 Events Scored              
    1) St. Joseph's Academy BR    190        2) Baton Rouge               123 
    3) Parkview Baptist            77        4) Episcopal, BR              59 
    5) Broadmoor                   26        6) McKinley                    9 
    7) Southern Lab                 3                                         

 Adkins Trak Timing - Contractor License                  4/13/2017 - 7:21 PM
                      2017 Grizzly's Relays - 4/13/2017                      
                            Catholic High School                             
Event 22  Boys Long Jump
 Meet Record: G    23-10  2016        Jace Attuso, Catholic High School      
     Stadium: S 23-10.75  1994        Troy Twillie, Slidell High School      
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points      
  1    24 Sam, Ethan             Baton Rouge           21-07.75   10         
  2    60 Cummings, Kam          Catholic BR           21-03.50    8         
  3   112 Jemison, Austin        Episcopal, BR         19-03.75    6         
  4    43 Lamotte, Malik         Broadmoor             18-09.50    4         
  5   174 Walker, Oddyst         Parkview Baptist      18-08.00    2         
  6   188 Hawkins, Jeremiah      Southern Lab          17-09.00    1         
  7   115 McInnis, Todd          Episcopal, BR         16-08.00              
                          Men - Team Rankings - 15 Events Scored             
    1) Catholic BR                190        2) Episcopal, BR             108
    3) Parkview Baptist            70        4) Broadmoor                  39
    5) Baton Rouge                 36        6) McKinley                   17
    7) Southern Lab                 1                                        

 Adkins Trak Timing - Contractor License                  4/13/2017 - 7:21 PM
                      2017 Grizzly's Relays - 4/13/2017                      
                            Catholic High School                             
Event 23  Girls Triple Jump
 Meet Record: G    38-03  2003        Carmia Carroll, Southern Lab           
     Stadium: S 39-07.25  2009        Lynnika Pitts, East Ascension Hig      
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points      
  1   224 West, Landry           St. Joseph's          37-06.00   10         
  2   203 Barfield, Clare        St. Joseph's          35-00.00    8         
  3   143 Clark, Jaden           Parkview Baptist      34-02.00    6         
  4    10 Jeffery, Jayda         Baton Rouge           33-00.00    4         
  5   152 Sorrel, Leanne         Parkview Baptist      29-08.25    2         
                        Women - Team Rankings - 16 Events Scored             
    1) St. Joseph's Academy BR    190        2) Baton Rouge               123
    3) Parkview Baptist            77        4) Episcopal, BR              59
    5) Broadmoor                   26        6) McKinley                    9
    7) Southern Lab                 3                                        

 Adkins Trak Timing - Contractor License                  4/13/2017 - 7:26 PM
                      2017 Grizzly's Relays - 4/13/2017                      
                            Catholic High School                             
Event 24  Boys Triple Jump
 Meet Record: G 47-07.50  2007        Jonathan Keys, Catholic High Scoo      
     Stadium: S 51-02.25  2004        Kenny Hall, Tara High School           
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points      
  1 Cummings, Kam                Catholic BR           44-05.00   10         
  2 Jemison, Austin              Episcopal, BR         42-06.75    8         
  3 Gould, Raymond               Episcopal, BR         39-03.75    6         
  4 Jones, Donald                Broadmoor             38-04.00    4         
  5 Majoria, Zach                Catholic BR           37-09.00    2         
                          Men - Team Rankings - 16 Events Scored             
    1) Catholic BR                202        2) Episcopal, BR             122
    3) Parkview Baptist            70        4) Broadmoor                  43
    5) Baton Rouge                 36        6) McKinley                   17
    7) Southern Lab                 1                                        

 Adkins Trak Timing - Contractor License                  4/13/2017 - 7:21 PM
                      2017 Grizzly's Relays - 4/13/2017                      
                            Catholic High School                             
Event 25  Girls Discus Throw
 Meet Record: G 130-06  2010        Brianna Golden, St.Joseph's Academy      
     Stadium: S 130-06  2010        Brianna Golden, St.Joseph's Academy      
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points      
  1     9 James, Loren           Baton Rouge             116-01   10         
  2    12 Lewis, Logan           Baton Rouge             115-00    8         
  3   221 Smith, Peyton          St. Joseph's             97-05    6         
  4    98 Smith, Lauren          Episcopal, BR            90-01    4         
  5   209 Bowden, Sarah          St. Joseph's             83-03    2         
  6    32 Shropshire, Taylor     Broadmoor                77-03    1         
  7   157 Yarborough, Bailey     Parkview Baptist         75-11              
  8    88 Hook, Claire           Episcopal, BR            66-09              
  9   152 Sorrel, Leanne         Parkview Baptist         62-09              
                        Women - Team Rankings - 16 Events Scored             
    1) St. Joseph's Academy BR    190        2) Baton Rouge               123
    3) Parkview Baptist            77        4) Episcopal, BR              59
    5) Broadmoor                   26        6) McKinley                    9
    7) Southern Lab                 3                                        

 Adkins Trak Timing - Contractor License                  4/13/2017 - 7:21 PM
                      2017 Grizzly's Relays - 4/13/2017                      
                            Catholic High School                             
Event 26  Boys Discus Throw
 Meet Record: G 182-05  1999        Reggie Griffith, Dunham High School      
     Stadium: S 182-05  1999        Reggie Griffith, Dunham High School      
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points      
  1    57 Berdon, Matthew        Catholic BR             143-07   10         
  2   172 Pedigo, Tzuriel        Parkview Baptist        136-11    8         
  3    70 Lewis, London          Catholic BR             136-05    6         
  4    42 Kemp, Joshua           Broadmoor               130-00    4         
  5   118 Portwood, Dell         Episcopal, BR           122-06    2         
  6    36 Bouie, Dolphis         Broadmoor               107-08    1         
  7   134 Forrest, Coby          McKinley                 96-05              
  8   119 Reynolds, Austin       Episcopal, BR            92-02              
  9   162 Fisher, Joshua         Parkview Baptist         78-06              
                          Men - Team Rankings - 15 Events Scored             
    1) Catholic BR                190        2) Episcopal, BR             108
    3) Parkview Baptist            70        4) Broadmoor                  39
    5) Baton Rouge                 36        6) McKinley                   17
    7) Southern Lab                 1                                        

 Adkins Trak Timing - Contractor License                  4/13/2017 - 7:21 PM
                      2017 Grizzly's Relays - 4/13/2017                      
                            Catholic High School                             
Event 27  Girls Javelin Throw
 Meet Record: G 128-03  2011        Mindy Smith, Parkview Baptist            
     Stadium: S 142-06  2005        Anna Lyons, Ruston High School           
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points      
  1   215 Landry, Elizabeth      St. Joseph's            117-11   10         
  2   223 Summerville, Sarah     St. Joseph's            116-05    8         
  3    98 Smith, Lauren          Episcopal, BR           103-06    6         
  4   152 Sorrel, Leanne         Parkview Baptist         98-01    4         
  5     1 Alex, Thai             Baton Rouge              95-08    2         
  6    30 Major, Natrell         Broadmoor                86-09    1         
  7   150 Pedigo, Ariel          Parkview Baptist         82-05              
  8    91 Leggio, Alissa         Episcopal, BR            70-05              
                        Women - Team Rankings - 16 Events Scored             
    1) St. Joseph's Academy BR    190        2) Baton Rouge               123
    3) Parkview Baptist            77        4) Episcopal, BR              59
    5) Broadmoor                   26        6) McKinley                    9
    7) Southern Lab                 3                                        

 Adkins Trak Timing - Contractor License                  4/13/2017 - 7:21 PM
                      2017 Grizzly's Relays - 4/13/2017                      
                            Catholic High School                             
Event 28  Boys Javelin Throw
 Meet Record: G 207-02  1997        Blake Theriot, St. Thomas More           
     Stadium: S 207-02  1997        Blake Theriot, St. Thomas More           
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points      
  1   172 Pedigo, Tzuriel        Parkview Baptist        191-10   10         
  2    79 Thornton, Jacob        Catholic BR             176-08    8         
  3   122 Tripeaux, Kevin        Episcopal, BR           153-08    6         
  4    76 Polito, Dalton         Catholic BR             141-11    4         
  5   119 Reynolds, Austin       Episcopal, BR           139-09    2         
  6    42 Kemp, Joshua           Broadmoor               123-10    1         
  7   185 Clark, Damone          Southern Lab            112-09              
  8   162 Fisher, Joshua         Parkview Baptist         85-09              
  9    40 Jackson, Maxwell       Broadmoor                83-05              
                          Men - Team Rankings - 15 Events Scored             
    1) Catholic BR                190        2) Episcopal, BR             108
    3) Parkview Baptist            70        4) Broadmoor                  39
    5) Baton Rouge                 36        6) McKinley                   17
    7) Southern Lab                 1                                        

 Adkins Trak Timing - Contractor License                  4/13/2017 - 7:21 PM
                      2017 Grizzly's Relays - 4/13/2017                      
                            Catholic High School                             
Event 29  Girls Shot Put
 Meet Record: G 42-06.50  2016        Loren James, Baton Rouge Magnet        
     Stadium: S 42-06.50  2016        Loren James, Baton Rouge Magnet        
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points      
  1     9 James, Loren           Baton Rouge           43-08.50G  10         
  2    12 Lewis, Logan           Baton Rouge           41-05.25    8         
  3   154 Treat, Taylor          Parkview Baptist      34-00.25    6         
  4   218 Mims, Kayleigh         St. Joseph's          33-07.00    4         
  5   199 Anderson, Kaelyn       St. Joseph's          28-04.50    2         
  6    88 Hook, Claire           Episcopal, BR         24-08.75    1         
  7   142 Carter, Kezra          Parkview Baptist      23-02.25              
  8    96 Saurage, Carson        Episcopal, BR         17-08.00              
                        Women - Team Rankings - 16 Events Scored             
    1) St. Joseph's Academy BR    190        2) Baton Rouge               123
    3) Parkview Baptist            77        4) Episcopal, BR              59
    5) Broadmoor                   26        6) McKinley                    9
    7) Southern Lab                 3                                        

 Adkins Trak Timing - Contractor License                  4/13/2017 - 7:21 PM
                      2017 Grizzly's Relays - 4/13/2017                      
                            Catholic High School                             
Event 30  Boys Shot Put
 Meet Record: G 62-11.75  1999        Reggie Griffith, Dunham High Scho      
     Stadium: S 62-11.75  1999        Reggie Griffith, Dunham High Scho      
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points      
  1    80 Tom, Zach              Catholic BR           55-04.75   10         
  2    63 Hendricks, Tyler       Catholic BR           48-04.50    8         
  3   172 Pedigo, Tzuriel        Parkview Baptist      48-03.75    6         
  4    47 Nichols, Jhanviey      Broadmoor             47-00.50    4         
  5   118 Portwood, Dell         Episcopal, BR         44-03.25    2         
  6   161 Fisher, Josh           Parkview Baptist      36-02.50    1         
  7    37 Carr, Marchaun         Broadmoor             35-03.50              
  8   106 Dynes, Griffin         Episcopal, BR         30-09.50              
                          Men - Team Rankings - 15 Events Scored             
    1) Catholic BR                190        2) Episcopal, BR             108
    3) Parkview Baptist            70        4) Broadmoor                  39
    5) Baton Rouge                 36        6) McKinley                   17
    7) Southern Lab                 1                                        

 Adkins Trak Timing - Contractor License                  4/13/2017 - 7:21 PM
                      2017 Grizzly's Relays - 4/13/2017                      
                            Catholic High School                             
Event 31  Girls High Jump
 Meet Record: G  5-09  2004        Carmia Carroll, Southern Lab              
     Stadium: S  5-09  2004        Carmia Carroll, Southern Lab              
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points      
  1    18 Strickland, Taylor     Baton Rouge            5-04.00   10         
  2   150 Pedigo, Ariel          Parkview Baptist       5-02.00    8         
  3   211 Couvillion, Cather     St. Joseph's           5-00.00    6         
  4    29 Mack, Cailyn           Broadmoor              4-10.00    4         
  5   200 Babin, Hannah Grac     St. Joseph's          J4-10.00    2         
  6     5 Cotton, Clair          Baton Rouge           J4-10.00    1         
 --    90 Kurtz, Laura           Episcopal, BR             FAIL              
                        Women - Team Rankings - 16 Events Scored             
    1) St. Joseph's Academy BR    190        2) Baton Rouge               123
    3) Parkview Baptist            77        4) Episcopal, BR              59
    5) Broadmoor                   26        6) McKinley                    9
    7) Southern Lab                 3                                        

 Adkins Trak Timing - Contractor License                  4/13/2017 - 7:21 PM
                      2017 Grizzly's Relays - 4/13/2017                      
                            Catholic High School                             
Event 32  Boys High Jump
 Meet Record: G    6-10  2004        Don Hargroder, St. Thomas More          
     Stadium: S 6-10.50  1989        Rubin Patel, Episcopal High School      
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points      
  1   122 Tripeaux, Kevin        Episcopal, BR          6-02.00   10         
  2   114 Mayes, Jonah           Episcopal, BR          6-00.00    8         
  3    72 Majoria, Zach          Catholic BR            5-10.00    6         
  4    56 Arcemont, Jay          Catholic BR            5-08.00    4         
  5    41 Jones, Donald          Broadmoor              5-04.00    2         
  6   165 Howard, Matt           Parkview Baptist      J5-04.00    1         
 --   174 Walker, Oddyst         Parkview Baptist          FAIL              
                          Men - Team Rankings - 15 Events Scored             
    1) Catholic BR                190        2) Episcopal, BR             108
    3) Parkview Baptist            70        4) Broadmoor                  39
    5) Baton Rouge                 36        6) McKinley                   17
    7) Southern Lab                 1                                        

 Adkins Trak Timing - Contractor License                  4/13/2017 - 7:21 PM
                      2017 Grizzly's Relays - 4/13/2017                      
                            Catholic High School                             
Event 33  Girls Pole Vault
 Meet Record: G 12-04  2016        Parish Kitto, Episcopal High School       
     Stadium: S 12-04  2016        Parish Kitto, Episcopal High School       
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points      
  1   153 Tate, Kameron          Parkview Baptist      11-00.00   10         
  2   220 Rivette, Alexandra     St. Joseph's           9-06.00    8         
  3   225 Williams, Peyton       St. Joseph's           9-00.00    6         
  4   141 Bozeman, Conner        Parkview Baptist       8-00.00    4         
                        Women - Team Rankings - 16 Events Scored             
    1) St. Joseph's Academy BR    190        2) Baton Rouge               123
    3) Parkview Baptist            77        4) Episcopal, BR              59
    5) Broadmoor                   26        6) McKinley                    9
    7) Southern Lab                 3                                        

 Adkins Trak Timing - Contractor License                  4/13/2017 - 7:21 PM
                      2017 Grizzly's Relays - 4/13/2017                      
                            Catholic High School                             
Event 34  Boys Pole Vault
 Meet Record: G 15-08  1995        Brandon Pontiff, New Iberia High Sch      
     Stadium: S 15-08  1995        Brandon Pontiff, New Iberia High Sch      
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points      
  1   159 Boucher, Trey          Parkview Baptist      13-06.00   10         
  2   167 McCulloch, Dawson      Parkview Baptist      13-00.00    8         
  3    59 Cassisa, Paul          Catholic BR           12-06.00    6         
  4   117 Pellegrin, Jake        Episcopal, BR         12-00.00    4         
  5    78 Sapia, Jared           Catholic BR          J12-00.00    2         
  6   125 Yorek, Greyson         Episcopal, BR         11-00.00    1         
  7    54 Winn, Quinterious      Broadmoor              9-00.00              
 --    45 Milsap, Christophe     Broadmoor                   NH              
                          Men - Team Rankings - 15 Events Scored             
    1) Catholic BR                190        2) Episcopal, BR             108
    3) Parkview Baptist            70        4) Broadmoor                  39
    5) Baton Rouge                 36        6) McKinley                   17
    7) Southern Lab                 1