Vote Angelle Albright: Chemo Beanies - Get on the shelf contest!

Today marks the first day of the Wal Mart "Get on the shelf" contest! Our friend, and avid photographer Angelle Albright, has been selected as one of the finalists of the contest and is looking for YOUR vote to showcase her invention Chemo Beanies all over the world. Taking the "Burden out of Baldness," Angelle and her sister, Danielle, (both cancer survivors) created stylish and practical head covers to help other cancer patients cope with hair loss during chemotherapy treatments. For some, losing their hair can be one of the hardest parts about chemo. With Angelle’s chemo beanies women can feel more secure in their own skin. Along with the attention from Wal-Mart, their website,, has taken off and landed Angelle and her company in the spotlight. Chemo Beanies has been featured on World News Tonight with Diane Sawyer as well as number of local media outlets.  


As a way to give back to Angelle for all the hard work and countless hours she has provided to our sport and the participating athletes here in Louisiana, we ask you to consider voting for her once per day over the next three days, and telling your friends to do the same!  


Let’s give back for all she has done for us and Louisiana Running! 




Vote here:



Angelle on TV: