Southeastern Louisiana University
Track & Field
Meet Information
Junior High Strawberry Relays
Thursday March 20th, 2025
Updated March 13th, 2025
Entry Information
Meet Classification
The Junior High/Middle School Strawberry Relays on Thursday March 20 , 2025 will be a Junior High School-only meet(8th Grade and Below) & Middle School(5th-6th). Unattached athletes will not be permitted by permission of meet management. (Athletes must represent his/her school).
How to Enter
Entry Fees
$50 per School,which includes Boys and Girls.
Make checks payable to: LAA-Track
Individual athletes can compete @ $10.00 per athlete if your school does not have a complete team.
Meet Site
Southeastern Louisiana University Track & Field Complex located on the main campus.
Directions to Southeastern Louisiana University Track & Field Complex
Teams Competing (By Invitation Only):
Trafton Academy, St. Scholastica Academy, Holy Ghost, Christ Episcopal, St. Paul's, Lake Castle, Roseland Montessori, St. Peter's, Kings Academy, Hammond Eastside
Mount Carmel Academy, St. Thomas Aquinas, SLU Lab, Denham Springs JH, Ponchatoula JH, Holden and Mater Dolorosa.
Packet pick-up
Packets can be picked up prior to competition starting at 3:00 pm at the entrance of the Southeastern Louisiana University Track & Field Complex.
Meet Admission
The meet will be open to the general public. Cost at the gate will be $7.00 per person.
Athlete Check-In
Field event athletes will be required to check-in 30 minutes prior to their event at the event site. All Running events will check-in at the starting line. Listen for calls. The running events will be on a rolling schedule so be alert.
Starting Heights
Starting heights will be determined at the start of the event, depending on field sizes & performances.
Event Limits
Field Events 2 athletes per gender/per division.
Running Events - 4 athletes per gender/per division.
Further Information
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the Southeastern Louisiana University Track & Field office at (985) 549-5187.
For Junior High information,please contact Coach Miguel A. Becerra at Trafton Academy 985-320-4290.
SLU Junior High-Middle School Strawberry Relays
Event Schedule
Field Events:
4:00pmJavelin (boys, girls to follow) 600 gms.
Shot Put (girls, boys to follow) 8lb. Shot put
Long Jump (boys) JH/MS
High Jump (girls) JH/MS
Pole Vault (girls, boys follow)
4:45pmLong Jump (girls) JH/MS
Discus (boys, girls to follow) 1k Discus
5:00pmHigh Jump (boys) JH/MS
6:45pm Triple Jump (boys and girls)
JH and MS Field Events will compete at the same time.
Running Events
(all running events, girls, then boys.)
3:30pm 200 meter hurdles
4 x 200 relay
1600 meters
100 hurdles (girls 30"/boys33")
100 meters
800 meters
4 x 100 relay
400 meters
200 meters
3200 meters
4 x 400 meters
*Running events will go on a rolling schedule.
*Schedule is subject to change.