Meet Information
Online Registration Instructions
2025 Warhawk Cross
Country Festival
Meet Information
When: Saturday, September
27th, 2025
Where: Charles
Johnson Children's Park, 1405 Bernstein Park Dr, Monroe, LA 71202
Distances: High SchoolVarsity/JVGirls/Boys: 5k
Middle School/ElementaryGirls/Boys: 1 Mile
Schedule: High SchoolVarsity/JV Girls
@ 7:30AM,
@ 8:15AM
Middle School
Girls @ 9:30AM
7-8 Boys to follow
High School: Unlimited entries for all races. Varsity & JV will
be run together. Submit entries via MileSplit in the appropriate division.
Middle School/Elementary: Unlimited entries for all races. Submit
entries via MileSplit in the appropriate division.
Entry Fee: Cash
or Check ONLY due at packet pick-up. Please make checks out to
"Warhawk Club".
School - $75 per team per gender due at packet pick-up.
School - $75 per team per gender due at packet pick-up.
**No refunds due to cancellations for inclement weather.
Pick-Up: Begins at 6:00AM @ course.
Parking: Parking
fee is $10 per vehicle due entering parking lot.
Results and Awards:
Results will be available on the TFRRS and MileSplit websites.
HS/MS/Elementary: Top 15 finishers in each race get a medal. Top 5
HS finishers get a t-shirt. Top team in each race receives a plaque.
**HS awards start approximately
at 9:00am. MS/Elementary awards 15-20 minutes after each division concludes.
Maximum Time: Each
race will not have a maximum time, however runners still on the course at the
start of the next race will be held at the turn into the finish to allow the
next race to begin.
Contact Tyler Stahl at or JD
Malone at
Courses: 5k - 25%
dirt/75% mowed grass course with a few sidewalk crossings and small dips. 200m
start + 2 x 2.3km loops + 200m leg to finish.
1 Mile - 5% dirt/95% mowed grass course with a few sidewalk
crossings and small dips. 200m start + 2 x 2.3km loops + 2k loop + 200m leg to