Southeastern Louisiana University
Track & Field
Meet Information
Sub-Elementary/Elementary Strawberry Relays
Tuesday March 11th, 2025
Entry Information
Meet Classification
The Sub-Elementary/Elementary Strawberry Relays on Tuesday March 11 , 2025 will be a SE/Elem-only meet(4th Grade and Below). Unattached athletes will not be permitted by permission of meet management. (Athletes must represent his/her school or club).
How to Enter
Entry Fees
$50 per School,which includes Boys and Girls.
Make checks payable to: LAA-Track
Individual athletes can compete @ $10.00 per athlete if your school does not have a complete team.
Meet Site
Southeastern Louisiana University Track & Field Complex located on the main campus.
Directions to Southeastern Louisiana University Track & Field Complex
Teams Competing (By Invitation Only):
Trafton Academy, Roseland Montessori, SLU Lab School Christ Episcopal,
Southeast Louisiana Roadrunners, Holden, Holy Ghost, Hammond Eastside,
Mater Dolorosa and King's Academy.
Packet pick-up
Packets can be picked up prior to competition starting at 3:00 pm at the entrance of the Southeastern Louisiana University Track & Field Complex.
Meet Admission
The meet will be open to the general public. Cost at the gate will be $6.00 per person.
Team Champion in both divisions (boys and girls) will receive awards.
Athlete Check-In
Field event athletes will be required to check-in 30 minutes prior to their event at the event site. All Running events will check-in at the starting line. Listen for calls. The running events will be on a rolling schedule so be alert.
Starting Heights
Starting heights will be determined at the start of the event, depending on field sizes & performances.
Further Information
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the Southeastern Louisiana University Track & Field office at (985) 549-5187.
For Junior High information,please contact Coach Miguel A. Becerra at Trafton Academy 985-320-4290.
SLU Sub-Elementary/Elementary Strawberry Relays
Event Schedule
Field Events:
4:00 PMSub-Elementary Girls & Boys Turbo Javelin
Elem Girls and Boys Long Jump
Elem Girls and Boys Shot Put
4:30 PM Sub-Elem Girls and Boys Long Jump
Elem Girls & Boys High Jump
Elem Girls & Boys Turbo Javelin
5:00 PMSub-Elem Girls and Boys Shot Put
Elem Girls & Boys Discus
Running Events
(all running events, girls, then boys.)
Running Events Schedule
5:15 PM 55 Meters(Sub-Elem)
1600 Meters(Elem)
55 Meter Hurdles (Elem. Girls 30")
55 Meter Hurdles (Elem. Boys 30")
100 Meters(SE/Elem)
800 Meters(SE/Elem)
400 Meter Relay(SE/Elem)
400 Meters(SE/Elem)
200 Meters(SE/Elem)
1600 Meter Relay(Elem)
Sub-Elem Events(SP, LJ, Turbo Javelin, 55, 100, 200, 400, 800 and 400 Relay)
Elem Events(SP, LJ, Disc, Turbo Javelin, HJ, 55H, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 400R and 1600R)
*Running events will go on a rolling schedule.
*Schedule is subject to change