Meet Information
Meet Format: Double entry ONLY(Boys and Girls). Field events: 3 attempts, Top 7 to Finals for 3 attempts. We will follow the normal event order.
Scratch Meeting: Any changes to entries will be made at 3pm.
Jury of Appeals: Head coaches of participating schools.
Relay Changes (NEW):
After the district qualifiers have been advanced from the district meet to the regional meet on the MileSplit platform, all relay alternate changes will be updated by the qualifying coaches on the MileSplit platform in the regional meet. District meet directors shall not upload relay changes in the district results on MileSplit. The district meet results should reflect who actually participated. Relay changes after the conclusion on the regional meets will be made in the corresponding state platform as well.
By Rule 23.5.9 and 23.6.14, Relay Alternates should be communicated to the Meet Director at the conclusion of the District and Regional Meet.
Awards: The first through third place winners will receive medals. Team trophies and outstanding performers will be awarded at the conclusion of the meet.
Timing: Crescent City Timing Corp.
Dressing Rooms: We have no extra locker rooms, so please come dressed. Restrooms are located next to the concession stand.
Entry Fee - We will charge $50 per team (Boys & Girls are separate teams)to help defray the cost of the timing group and awards. Please make checks payable to Fontainebleau High School.
Admission- $7.00 General Admission; cash or GOFAN payments accepted
We will need EACH school to run an event.
District 6-5A Championship Meet Schedule
Implement Check-In..............................................2:30PM-3:00PM
Field Events.....................................................................3:30 PM
Long Jump -TJ follows (girls North pit; boys South pit)
High Jump (Girls, Boys follow)
Pole Vault (Girls south pit; Boys north pit)
Shot Put (Boys, Girls follow)
Discus (Girls, Boys follow)
Javelin (Boys, Girls follow)
Running Events..... (Rolling Schedule)
3200 Meter Relay...............................5:30 PM(or when PV done)
100 M Hurdles
100 M Dash
4x200 M Relay
1600 M Run
4x100 M Relay
400 M Dash
300 M Hurdles
800 M Dash
200 M Dash
3200 M Run
4x400 M Relay