Walker High Shootout 2009

Walker, LA
Hosted by Walker

Jr. High Boys - 2 Mile

 Walker High School                                         HY-TEK's Meet Manager
                        2009 Walker Shootout - 10/17/2009                        
                                   Walker, LA                                    
                              Last Completed Event                               
Event 4  Boys 2 Mile Run CC Jr. High Boys 2m
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points          
  1 Jackson, Kraemer             St. Paul's School     11:28.50    1             
  2 Murrey, Ben                  Episcopal             11:29.83    2             
  3 Johnson, Christian           Episcopal             11:53.03    3             
  4 Chapman, Michael             Episcopal             12:00.03    4             
  5 Baudier, Hunter              Catholic High         12:03.87    5             
  6 Brocato, Tommy               Holy Ghost C          12:08.17                  
  7 St. Cyr, Joseph              Catholic High         12:11.35    6             
  8 Montour, Jimmy               St. Paul's School     12:16.60    7             
  9 Coston, Eric                 Trafton Academy       12:26.97                  
 10 Davidson, Tyler              Catholic High         12:27.71    8             
 11 Flanders, Spencer            Episcopal             12:28.30    9             
 12 Hoffman, Jonathan            Catholic High         12:30.34   10             
 13 Favaro, Cody                 Catholic High         12:34.34   11             
 14 Moreno, Freddie              Sumner                12:36.59                  
 15 Claitor, James               Episcopal             12:42.69   12             
 16 Darden, Mookie               Episcopal             12:43.35   13             
 17 Wirt, Matthew                St. Paul's School     12:43.61   14             
 18 Moser, Everett               St. Paul's School     12:44.28   15             
 19 Hodges, Collen               Catholic High         12:50.63   16             
 20 Gaudin, Ryan                 Catholic High         12:50.92   17             
 21 Rayer, Jack                  St. Paul's School     12:53.98   18             
 22 Cooper, Logan                West Feliciana        13:00.13   19             
 23 Bankston, Christopher        University H          13:00.99   20             
 24 Booth, John                  Dunham                13:01.46   21             
 25 Bresette, Connor             St. Paul's School     13:03.11   22             
 26 Mayers, Reece                Walker                13:04.57   23             
 27 Luckett, Brandon             Catholic High         13:12.05                  
 28 Comeaux, Michael             Sacred Heart- BR      13:16.27   24             
 29 Day, Thomas                  Northwestern          13:19.98   25             
 30 Macmurdo, Bailey             Episcopal             13:20.39   26             
 31 Andinno, Carlos              St. Joseph Ponch      13:20.67                  
 32 Lindsey, Travis              Catholic High         13:22.59                  
 33 Frilot III, Leo              Sacred Heart- BR      13:25.49   27             
 34 Lewis, Matthew               St. Paul's School     13:28.19   28             
 35 Anderson, Eric               Our Lady of           13:28.98   29             
 36 Kerr, Bryce                  Episcopal             13:29.72                  
 37 Jeha, George                 Catholic High         13:31.72                  
 38 Cooper, Jeremy               West Feliciana        13:40.32   30             
 39 Spurlock, Willis             St. Paul's School     13:44.53                  
 40 Martinez, Brendan            Dunham                13:45.31   31             
 41 Puckett, Ben                 Catholic High         13:45.84                  
 42 Landry, Alex                 Our Lady of           13:46.22   32             
 43 Melancon, Landon             Walker                13:50.52   33             
 44 kennedy, shane               Rummel                13:51.29   34             
 45 McLindon, Miles              St. Jude Elementary   13:52.61                  
 46 Gathman, Drew                Holy Cross            13:52.98                  
 47 Patrick, Connor              St. Paul's School     13:54.87                  
 48 Landwehr, Grant              St. Paul's School     13:58.35                  
 49 Heyse, Nick                  Walker                13:59.21   35             
 50 Gerald, Hudson               Catholic High         14:00.42                  
 51 Patrick, Hank                University H          14:01.31   36             
 52 Bleakley, Luke               St. Joseph Ponch      14:02.65                  
 53 Rodman, Philip               Catholic High         14:03.20                  
 54 Dunbar, Alex                 Episcopal             14:03.58                  
 55 Luecke, Jake                 Dunham                14:03.93   37             
 56 Rogers, David                Walker                14:04.22   38             
 57 Hart, Logan                  Sacred Heart- BR      14:05.15   39             
 58 Barney, Blake                Episcopal             14:05.80                  
 59 Manion, Lyle                 St. Paul's School     14:06.52                  
 60 Schoen, Bronson              Mandeville            14:06.96   40             
 61 Munro, James                 Episcopal             14:09.12                  
 62 Bankhead, John M             Our Lady of           14:11.62   41             
 63 Pereira, Michael             St. Paul's School     14:16.04                  
 64 Johnson, Jake                Runnels               14:20.11   42             
 65 Say, Parker                  Our Lady of           14:23.02   43             
 66 Pearce, Duncan               Episcopal             14:23.39                  
 67 Stewart, Alonzo              Our Lady of           14:23.79   44             
 68 Smith, Eric                  University H          14:25.47   45             
 69 Joslin, Connor               Mandeville            14:29.73   46             
 70 Martin, Garrett              West Feliciana        14:30.02   47             
 71 Esch, Blake                  Catholic High         14:30.48                  
 72 McGaugh, Andrew              Episcopal             14:32.56                  
 73 Howell, Mathew               St. Luke Episcopal    14:33.18   48             
 74 Stargardter, Daniel          Mandeville            14:33.58   49             
 75 Lee, Ronnie                  Dunham                14:35.34   50             
 76 copling, justin              Rummel                14:35.96   51             
 77 Fayard, Trace                Mandeville            14:37.32   52             
 78 Stephens, Joseph             Catholic High         14:38.20                  
 79 Turner, Tres                 Our Lady of           14:39.75   53             
 80 Bergeron, Kalon              Sumner                14:40.60                  
 81 Oubre, Jacob                 Catholic High         14:41.11                  
 82 Babin, Mark                  Catholic High         14:42.24                  
 83 LeBleu, Ethan                Our Lady of           14:43.86   54             
 84 Johnson, Logan               Sumner                14:44.26                  
 85 Grab, John                   St. Paul's School     14:44.79                  
 86 Parent, Connor               Our Lady of           14:45.90                  
 87 Wheat, Cody                  Walker                14:46.37   55             
 88 Laville, Thomas              Our Lady of           14:47.21                  
 89 Aldrich, Keith               St. Jude Elementary   14:50.32                  
 90 Murrey, Jacob                Episcopal             14:51.62                  
 91 Young, Andrew                Our Lady of           14:52.16                  
 92 Isacks, Patrick              Catholic High         15:00.22                  
 93 Montgomery, Sam              Walker                15:01.07   56             
 94 Bueche, Chandler             Our Lady of           15:01.54                  
 95 Lester, Zach                 West Feliciana        15:02.19   57             
 96 Woolf, Ashby                 University H          15:04.02   58             
 97 Kline, Daniel                Sacred Heart- BR      15:05.27   59             
 98 Kellner, Nicholas            Sacred Heart- BR      15:08.64   60             
 99 Hill, Pierce                 St. Aloysius          15:09.82   61             
100 Holland, Shawn               Walker                15:11.51   62             
101 Johnson, Trevor              North Corbin          15:13.04   63             
102 Cheron, Brice                Archbishop Shaw       15:15.64                  
103 Brown, Devin                 West Feliciana        15:16.08   64             
104 Penniman, George             Runnels               15:16.47   65             
105 Thompson, Erik               Dunham                15:16.86   66             
106 Johnson, Dewey               Northwestern          15:17.52   67             
107 Nosacka, Lionel              Our Lady of           15:19.56                  
108 tripp, zach                  Rummel                15:22.12   68             
109 Rollins, David               Episcopal             15:22.60                  
110 Ellwood, Cole                Episcopal             15:23.24                  
111 Bisson, Trevor               St. Luke Episcopal    15:25.41   69             
112 Coco, Brian                  St. Aloysius          15:26.48   70             
113 Gardner, Sean                St. Paul's School     15:29.37                  
114 Perrien, Nicholas            St. Jean Via          15:30.29   71             
115 Del Castillo, Gabriel        St. Paul's School     15:30.86                  
116 Toups, Ben                   Our Lady of           15:33.37                  
117 Morris, Cole                 University H          15:34.29   72             
118 Smyth, Brendan               University H          15:38.88   73             
119 Gill, Danny                  Slidell               15:40.37                  
120 Baudier, Spencer             Our Lady of           15:41.70                  
121 Schwab, John Kyle            University H          15:45.13   74             
122 Musso, Nathan                Sacred Heart- BR      15:45.91   75             
123 Grant, Daniel                Our Lady of           15:46.47                  
124 Simpson, Kyle                Runnels               15:48.90   76             
125 Diresto, Quentin             St. Aloysius          15:49.90   77             
126 Palmer, Payton               St. Luke Episcopal    15:55.77   78             
127 bienvenu, david              Rummel                15:56.93   79             
128 brayard, ashton              Rummel                15:57.59   80             
129 Ricard, Cordell              Amite                 15:58.47                  
130 Blossman, Alex               St. Paul's School     16:01.42                  
131 Bujol, Ross                  West Feliciana        16:02.20   81             
132 Stiltner, Jacob              Episcopal             16:02.56                  
133 Welch, Tyler                 Northwestern          16:03.14   82             
134 Smith, Bobby                 Northwestern          16:08.58   83             
135 Bundy, Grant                 St. Aloysius          16:11.95   84             
136 Pickell, Josh                Sacred Heart- BR      16:13.91   85             
137 Rogstad, Conner              Episcopal             16:14.79                  
138 Connor, Grant                Runnels               16:15.43   86             
139 Robert, Steele               Our Lady of           16:16.22                  
140 Luke, Joshua                 Hanson Memorial       16:17.64                  
141 Hecht, Matthew               Bethany Christian     16:21.92                  
142 Ragsdale, Zachary            Northwestern          16:24.11   87             
143 Say, Alex                    Catholic High         16:25.49                  
144 Holub, Aaron                 West Feliciana        16:25.81   88             
145 Field, Estin                 Dunham                16:26.13   89             
146 Quinn, Conner                Dunham                16:26.43   90             
147 Giddens, Brock               Northwestern          16:26.77   91             
148 Robillard, Dustin            Our Lady of           16:27.17                  
149 Heston, Tyler                Mandeville            16:27.59   92             
150 Armstrong, Austin            Northwestern          16:27.99   93             
151 Humphrey, Trevor             Northwestern          16:30.85                  
152 Kolosky, Wyatt               Slidell               16:31.88                  
153 Fairley, Joey                Runnels               16:32.18   94             
154 Schwab, Ross                 University H          16:34.02                  
155 Swain, Wesley                University H          16:34.75                  
156 Watlington, Patrick          St. Jude Elementary   16:35.91                  
157 youngblood, nick             Rummel                16:36.44   95             
158 Starns, Joseph               Northwestern          16:36.79                  
159 Frederick, Micah             Hanson Memorial       16:37.27                  
160 Brady, Andrew                St. Charles           16:39.53                  
161 Carrier, Colt                Sumner                16:40.95                  
162 Arceneaux, Hayden            West Feliciana        16:46.54                  
163 Khonsari, Max                Episcopal             16:47.97                  
164 Figarola, Jonathan           St. Jean Via          16:50.34   96             
165 Chesteen, Hudson             St. Aloysius          16:59.05   97             
166 Schexnaildre, Ryan           St. Jude Elementary   17:05.03                  
167 Moberly, Lane                Amite                 17:06.06                  
168 Vollenweider, Devin          St. Charles           17:08.76                  
169 Delatte, Michael             West Feliciana        17:14.47                  
170 Caffey, Evan                 University H          17:15.16                  
171 Hillen, James                North Corbin          17:15.74   98             
172 Schaffer, Jonathan           St. Jean Via          17:16.34   99             
173 Sanchez, Reid                West Feliciana        17:18.49                  
174 Joyner, Nash                 Northwestern          17:19.61                  
175 Tajeamt, Connor              Mandeville            17:21.56  100             
176 Phillips, Isaac              Runnels               17:23.14  101             
177 Olinde, Taylor               Northwestern          17:24.15                  
178 Lindrew, Collin              Our Lady of           17:30.07                  
179 Werner, Tyler                Our Lady of           17:32.09                  
180 Brumfield, Austin            North Corbin          17:35.30  102             
181 Maggio, Michael              St. Paul's School     17:37.68                  
182 Higginbotham, Cameron        Northwestern          17:38.19                  
183 Fink, Grant                  Runnels               17:45.51  103             
184 Barbin, Ethan                Sacred Heart- BR      18:01.17                  
185 Fink, Adam                   St. Paul's School     18:02.19                  
186 Foret, Dawson                Archbishop Shaw       18:04.10                  
187 Fasullo, Allen               Archbishop Shaw       18:11.03                  
188 Bement, Paul                 Christian Li          18:14.59                  
189 Marx, Leopold                St. Aloysius          18:15.09  104             
190 Kleck, Austin                First Baptis          18:20.61                  
191 Vidrine, Whit                West Feliciana        18:23.31                  
192 Toups, Jack                  Our Lady of           18:24.02                  
193 Casso, Lorenzo               Our Lady of           18:30.04                  
194 Wilburn, Samuel              Berwick               18:32.15                  
195 Perryman, Connor             St. Luke Episcopal    18:33.01  105             
196 Barnhouse, Blake             Archbishop Shaw       18:33.80                  
197 Tullis, Brody                Amite                 18:51.85                  
198 Lockhart, Michael            Runnels               18:54.92                  
199 Monett, Emory                Runnels               18:55.65                  
200 Farrar, Will                 St. Luke Episcopal    18:58.48  106             
201 Ferrell, Benjamin            St. Aloysius          19:04.40  107             
202 Winslow, Harper              St. Luke Episcopal    19:05.55  108             
203 Allen, Jack                  Christian Li          19:11.56                  
204 Kelley, Joshua               Northwestern          19:13.26                  
205 Conners, Austin              Slidell               19:23.74                  
206 Morley, Philip               St. Jean Via          19:45.64  109             
207 Veazey, Jake                 St. Aloysius          19:51.42                  
208 Besse, Max                   Sacred Heart- BR      19:54.86                  
209 Robinette, Dwight            Our Lady of           19:56.81                  
210 Lowery, Bennett              University H          20:02.25                  
211 Brochard, Ryan               Sacred Heart- BR      20:06.92                  
212 Kellerman, Marshall          Our Lady of           20:10.87                  
213 Mondello, Luke               Northwestern          20:20.12                  
214 Guidry, Joseph               Parkview Baptist      20:21.95  110             
215 Cunningham, Brennan          Parkview Baptist      20:25.60  111             
216 Friley, Austin               Parkview Baptist      20:29.38  112             
217 Stewart, Jack                West Feliciana        20:57.80                  
218 Allen, Jacob                 St. Luke Episcopal    20:58.79  113             
219 Farace, Ryan                 North Corbin          21:08.73  114             
220 Mansur, Taner                North Corbin          21:33.25  115             
221 Garner, Anthony              Choudrant             21:56.53                  
222 Holcombe, Ben                Northwestern          21:57.97                  
223 Lively, John                 Northwestern          22:08.97                  
224 Ferrara, Nicholas            St. Jean Via          22:16.92  116             
225 Bordelon, Devin              Sacred Heart- BR      22:21.02                  
226 Patterson, Christian         Parkview Baptist      23:07.90  117             
227 Cole, Kenneth                Parkview Baptist      23:08.47  118             
228 Fegenbush, Taylor            Berwick               24:45.57                  
229 Persica, Brandon             St. Luke Episcopal    25:19.22                  
                                   Team Scores                                   
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
   1 Episcopal                    30    2    3    4    9   12   13   26          
      Total Time:  1:00:33.88                                                    
         Average:    12:06.78                                                    
   2 Catholic High                40    5    6    8   10   11   16   17          
      Total Time:  1:01:47.61                                                    
         Average:    12:21.53                                                    
   3 St. Paul's School            55    1    7   14   15   18   22   28          
      Total Time:  1:02:06.97                                                    
         Average:    12:25.40                                                    
   4 Walker                      184   23   33   35   38   55   56   62          
      Total Time:  1:09:44.89                                                    
         Average:    13:56.98                                                    
   5 Our Lady of Mercy Catholi   189   29   32   41   43   44   53   54          
      Total Time:  1:10:13.63                                                    
         Average:    14:02.73                                                    
   6 Dunham                      205   21   31   37   50   66   89   90          
      Total Time:  1:10:42.90                                                    
         Average:    14:08.58                                                    
   7 Sacred Heart- BR            209   24   27   39   59   60   75   85          
      Total Time:  1:11:00.82                                                    
         Average:    14:12.17                                                    
   8 West Feliciana              217   19   30   47   57   64   81   88          
      Total Time:  1:11:28.74                                                    
         Average:    14:17.75                                                    
   9 University High School      231   20   36   45   58   72   73   74          
      Total Time:  1:12:06.08                                                    
         Average:    14:25.22                                                    
  10 Mandeville                  279   40   46   49   52   92  100               
      Total Time:  1:14:15.18                                                    
         Average:    14:51.04                                                    
  11 Rummel                      312   34   51   68   79   80   95               
      Total Time:  1:15:43.89                                                    
         Average:    15:08.78                                                    
  12 Northwestern Middle Schoo   344   25   67   82   83   87   91   93          
      Total Time:  1:17:13.33                                                    
         Average:    15:26.67                                                    
  13 Runnels                     363   42   65   76   86   94  101  103          
      Total Time:  1:18:13.09                                                    
         Average:    15:38.62                                                    
  14 St. Aloysius Middle Schoo   389   61   70   77   84   97  104  107          
      Total Time:  1:19:37.20                                                    
         Average:    15:55.44                                                    
  15 St. Luke Episcopal          406   48   69   78  105  106  108  113          
      Total Time:  1:23:25.85                                                    
         Average:    16:41.17                                                    
  16 St. Jean Vianney School     491   71   96   99  109  116                    
      Total Time:  1:31:39.53                                                    
         Average:    18:19.91                                                    
  17 North Corbin Jr. High       492   63   98  102  114  115                    
      Total Time:  1:32:46.06                                                    
         Average:    18:33.22                                                    
  18 Parkview Baptist            568  110  111  112  117  118                    
      Total Time:  1:47:33.30                                                    
         Average:    21:30.66