LHSAA 1A - Region 3 2022

Metairie, LA

Meet Information



Thank you for attending this years Region 3-1A championship. We look forward to an outstanding day of competition. Below you will find all of the information for this years meet. 

All head coaches must attend the Coaches Scratch Meeting at 2:15 p.m. on the infield(under the Country Day tent).  We will also need your help in making sure each field event is administered and judged in a professional and efficient manner(please see the school assignments below).  

We will all share the costs of the meet, including FAT timing, trophies, medals, and MVP plaques.  Please make checks out to Metairie Park Country Day School for TBD. I will send out a later email once all costs are totaled and spread out amongst the competing regional schools. 

Admission will be $5.00.  Athletes and coaches are admitted for free. We are hoping to have concessions open to the public. 

             Starting Height for High Jump will be 2 inches lower than the lowest registered height. Throwing events and horizontal jumps will get 3 throws/jumps in the preliminary round, at which time each athlete will get 3 more attempts in order from 7th to 1st place.  An athletes best attempt, whether in prelims or finals will be counted for scoring**

            Athletes will be allowed to warm up on the infield.  When not participating, athletes must remain in the team area.  Team areas should be made in the stands. 


Jury of Appeals - all head coaches except the two schools involved in the protest

Relay cards are due at the end of the meet

             F.A.T. timing will be in place through chippedtech.com


Meet Date:

Thursday, April 28th, 2022


East Jefferson Stadium(400 Phlox Avenue, Metairie 70003)



Implement Verification

The first round of throwing events will begin an hour after implement verification. 


Coaches meeting, packet pickup

2:30 pm Events:

Boys pole vault-Country Day/False River

Girls Pole Vault-Country Day/False River 


3:00 Events-

Girls javelin-St. Martins/White Castle 

Boys discus-Southern Lab/Slaughter Community

Boys long jump (End-zone pit)-Country Day/Ecole

Girls Triple jump(track pit)-East Iberville/West St. John 


3:45 Events

Boys high jump-Ascension Catholic/Central Private

Boys shot put-Riverside/Crescent City 

Girls discus-Southern Lab/Slaughter Community

Girls Long jump(end zone pit)-False River/St. John


4:30 Events

Girls shot put-Riverside/Crescent City

Boys javelin-White Castle/St. Martins 

Boys triple jump (End-zone pit)-East Iberville/West St. John

Girls high jump-Ascension Catholic/Central Private

4x200m-St. Martins/Southern Lab 

4x100m-Crescent City/Ascension Catholic/Ecole 


Running events: 5:15/5:30 pm (depending on field events)

Track schedule:(All hands on deck for hurdle setup):(Girls will precede)

4 x 200 meter relay

1600 meter run

100 meter hurdles

100 meter hurdles 

110 meter dash

800 meter run

4 x 100 meter relay

400 meter dash

300 meter hurdles

200 meter dash

3200 meter run

4 x 400 meter relay


Exchange zones:

4 x 200 meter relay - 1st & 2nd exchangesred to red triangles

3rd exchangeyellow to yellow triangles

4 x 100 meter relay - all exchangesyellow to yellow triangles

4 x 400 meter relay - all exchangesblue to blue triangles

Regional 3-1A competing teams:

Ascension Catholic 

East Iberville

White Castle 

St. John

Metairie Park Country Day

St. Martins 

Ecole Classique

Crescent City 


West St. John 

Southern lab


False River 

Central Private School