Meet Information
2021 Raider Relays
Lee Hedges Stadium, 6115 E Kings Hwy, Shreveport, LA 71105
Entry fee:
Varsity - $150 per school ($75 girls /$75 boys)
Junior Varsity - $70 per school ($35 girls/$35 boys)
Entry Procedure:
All entries will be done using Mile Split.
There will be no scratch meeting. All entries are final after 9:00 AM on April 8 which is the morning of the meet.
Meet Rules and General Info:
Team areas are located on the east side of the stadium (The side closest to Shreve).
Spectator areas are located on the west side of the stadium (The side furthest from Shreve).
Staging area for all running events - northwest side of the stadium.
Athletes, coaches or spectators are not allowed on the infield or track after 3:50 pm. Coaching area will be designated.
3 attempts on all field events. NO FINALS
If an athlete needs to leave a field event to compete in another event he/she will have 20 mins to return.
The Hospitality Room will be closed at 6:00 pm.
COVID Guidelines: Social distancing will be required in the stands by spectators, coaches and athletes. Also, masks will be required in the stands by spectators, coaches, and athletes. Athletes may take their masks off right before their event begins and put them back on after their event.
Top 3 varsity will be awarded trophies.
Top 3 finishers in each event will be awarded medals.
Most valuable track girl and boy and most valuable field girl and boy will be awarded to varsity division.
DT, SP, LJ, HJ, JT, 100, 100/110H, 400, 1600, 4x100, 4x200
4pm events
4x800m Relay
Javelin (Vars boys then girls)
Discus (girls) Vars and JV
HJ (girls) Vars and JV
PV (boys)
LJ (boys then girls) Vars and JV
TJ (girls then boys)
4:30 events
JV 1600
Shot Put (girls then boys) Vars and JV
Javelin (girls)
Discus (boys) Vars and JV
HJ (boys) Vars and JV
PV (girls)
5:15 events (running on rolling schedule)
4x200m relay Vars and JV
1600m Vars
100/110m hurdles Vars and JV
100m Vars and JV
4x100m relay Vars and JV
400m Vars and JV
300m hurdles
4x400m relay