Meet Information
Name: Eric Engemann
Phone: 225 382 3571
Fax: 225 346 1253
Meet Notes:
The 6th Annual Battlefield Cross Country Festival will be held on September 23, 2017. The race will take place at Port Hudson State Historic Site, located in Jackson, Louisiana. Port Hudson is home to the longest military siege on American soil, which took place during the Civil War. The 2016 event featured 48 schools, over 1,000 participants and an additional 1,500 spectators. All entries must be submitted online via Direct Athletics ( Entries must be received by Wednesday, September 20 at 9:00 PM. Entries will be confirmed via email by Direct Athletics. There is a $60 entry fee per school (at least 5 runners). $10 of registration goes to Port Hudson State Historic Site in lieu of entry fees. Individual runners may register for $12 per runner. $2 per individual runner goes to Port Hudson State Historic Site. Please make all checks payable to: SportsBR. **All entry fees are non-refundable** Mail check to: SportsBR Battlefield Cross Country Festival 359 Third Street Baton Rouge, La. 70801 Packets will be available at 7:30am on the day of the meet. When you arrive at Port Hudson, you will pick up your packet and designate teams that will be competing in the meet. All runners must be selected from your pre-registered list. No changes in your initial list will be allowed. After you select your runners, any other runners on the team, including those not pre-registered, may run in the JV/Middle open race.
Name: Eric Engemann
Phone: 225 382 3571
Fax: 225 346 1253
Meet Notes:
The 6th Annual Battlefield Cross Country Festival will be held on September 23, 2017. The race will take place at Port Hudson State Historic Site, located in Jackson, Louisiana. Port Hudson is home to the longest military siege on American soil, which took place during the Civil War. The 2016 event featured 48 schools, over 1,000 participants and an additional 1,500 spectators. All entries must be submitted online via Direct Athletics ( Entries must be received by Wednesday, September 20 at 9:00 PM. Entries will be confirmed via email by Direct Athletics. There is a $60 entry fee per school (at least 5 runners). $10 of registration goes to Port Hudson State Historic Site in lieu of entry fees. Individual runners may register for $12 per runner. $2 per individual runner goes to Port Hudson State Historic Site. Please make all checks payable to: SportsBR. **All entry fees are non-refundable** Mail check to: SportsBR Battlefield Cross Country Festival 359 Third Street Baton Rouge, La. 70801 Packets will be available at 7:30am on the day of the meet. When you arrive at Port Hudson, you will pick up your packet and designate teams that will be competing in the meet. All runners must be selected from your pre-registered list. No changes in your initial list will be allowed. After you select your runners, any other runners on the team, including those not pre-registered, may run in the JV/Middle open race.