Airline's Jaycie Wallace Among La.'s Most Improved in 60m!

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Airline's Jaycie Wallace was fast last year. The disappointing news for her District 1-5A opponents is that she is even faster this year. Last year, Wallace had a season best of 8.03. In her first two indoor meets of 2025 she is already under 8 seconds with a best of 7.84. 
While a .19 improvement from last year might not seem like much, sprint coaches will tell you that it is a major jump as Wallace has gone from good to great in short amount of time. Her 7.84 at the LSU HS Qualifier has her ranked at No. 10 in Louisiana.
When looking at Wallace's progression on her MileSplit LA page, it is easy to see how she has arrived at being one of Louisiana's most improved female sprinters. She put in the work the work this summer with the River Cities Track Club in Bossier City, LA. Her body of work went late into the summer as she qualified for the National Junior Olympics where she ran a personal record 12.20w. 
Past performance is a great indicator of future results. Last year, Wallace ran a time of 8.14 at the LSU HS Qualifier. In the two week span between the Qualifier and the LSU Last Chance Meet. Wallace dropped her time by .11. Could we see a similar improvement in the same two-week span in 2025? Anything is possible. If we do, it would Wallace at 7.73--among the very elite sprinters in Louisiana.
Speaking of Louisiana's elite sprinters, Destrehan's Marley Richard has seen significant improvement. Richard had a 2024 best of 7.64. Thus far, she has lowered the time 7.54, an improvement of .10. And it might have been an even greater improvement if Richard had been given an opportunity to compete in the finals of the girls 60m at the LSU HS Qualifier.
West Feliciana's Tristen Harris flinched in the finals causing the starters to shoot the starter's pistol and bring the sprinters back to the line. After conferencing, they walked to Richard's starting blocks and told her that she was disqualified. Harris had walked off because she knew that she had flinched, but was directed back to her lane.
While some athletes might have blown their top over the case of mistaken identity, Richard, and LSU signee, handled the situation with the level of class we have come to expect from the All-American. 
Other notable improvements have been turned in by Episcopal sophomore Tiffany Foxworth, 0 (.40 improvement), Thomas Jefferson's Mi'leah Harris (.37 improvement), and Mansfield'LaJordan Boykins (.26 improvement). 


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