Here are the 2007 elite standards that we will use. These will serve for all four seasons: indoor, outdoor,
road, and cross country. They are for the most part unchanged from what we have previouslly had. Elite
standards are used as the minimum standard for inclusion in athlete profiles and rankings.
High School/College Middle School
Event Female Male Female Male
55m 7.50 6.75 -- --
60m 8.00 7.25 -- --
100m 12.50 11.00 14.00 12.25
200m 26.00 22.50 30.00 26.00
300m 40.00 35.00 -- --
400m 60.00 51.00 1:08.00 60.00
500m 1:20.00 1:10.00 -- --
600m 1:45.00 1:25.00 -- --
800m 2:25.00 2:00.00 2:45.00 2:25.00
1000m 3:10.00 2:40.00 -- --
1200m -- -- -- --
1500m 5:03.00 4:16.00 5:45.00 5:02.00
1600m 5:30.00 4:35.00 6:00.00 5:25.00
Mile* 5:41.91 4:46.60 6:02.09 5:26.89
3000m 11:20.00 9:28.00 13:00.00 11:15.00
3200m 12:00.00 10:00.00 14:00.00 12:00.00
2Mile* 12:04.18 10:03.48 14:04.87 12:04.18
2.5Mile -- -- -- --
3Mile 20:00.00 16:30.00 23:00.00 19:15.00
5000m 21:00.00 17:15.00 24:00.00 20:00.00
4Mile -- -- -- --
5Mile -- -- -- --
6000m 25:00.00 -- -- --
8000m -- 27:00.00 -- --
10000m 45:00.00 37:30.00 -- --
6Mile -- -- -- --
12000m 1:00:00.00 48:00.00 -- --
15000m 1:10:00.00 1:00:00.00 -- --
Half Mar 1:40:00.00 1:25:00.00 -- --
Marathon 3:20:00.00 2:50:00.00 -- --
2000SC 8:00.00 7:00.00 -- --
3000SC 12:00.00 10:30.00 -- --
55H 9.00 8.00 -- --
60H 9.00 8.00 -- --
100H 15.50 -- -- --
110H -- 15.00 -- --
200H 33.00 30.00 -- --
300H 48.00 40.00 -- --
400H 65.00 57.00 -- --
LJ 17-6 22-0 13-0 16-0
TJ 35-0 44-0 23-0 30-0
HJ 5-2 6-4 4-4 4-8
PV 9-6 13-0 6-0 7-0
Shot 35-0 48-0 28-0 37-0
Disc 110-0 140-0 65-0 90-0
Jav 110-0 140-0 -- --
Hammer 130-0 160-0 -- --
Weight 35-0 50-0 -- --
4x100 49.00 42.50 60.00 53.00
4x200 1:45.00 1:32.00 -- --
4x400 4:05.00 3:25.00 4:50.00 4:10.00
4x800 10:00.00 8:15.00 12:00.00 11:00.00
4x1600 23:30.00 19:30.00 -- --
SMR 800 1:55.00 1:40.00 -- --
SMR 1600 4:20.00 3:35.00 -- --
DMR 13:15.00 11:15.00 -- --
SHR Outdoor 1:15.00 1:08.00 -- --
Pent -- -- 4000 --
Hep 5000 -- 4000 --
Dec -- 6000 -- --
* = Will be converted to 1600 or 3200.
Wind-Aided Performances
We will still count wind-aided performances in the rankings; however, they will be denoted with a w to designate
this. Wind-aided is considered over 2.0. If no wind gauge is present, but gusty conditions are observed we may infer a
wind-aided time/mark.
Ultimate Right to Refuse Inclusion
I reserve the right to refuse any performance from inclusion in the rankings based on my sole discretion. This will only
be the case if the time/mark is considered suspicious or inaccurate. I do this very rarely and if it happens, I will leave a
note on the meet explaining the situation.
Reporting Meet Results - Please submit meet results by emailing - Complete results in Hytek or RaceTab format are perferred.
- If we miss any elite performances, please let us know