Interview: Dominigue, Whitrock, Calia, Schmidt, Johnson, Hodges, Mendrek-Laske, Clark

LA#12 Redmptorist's Ciera Johnson (18:52)

How Many Years have you been running?
I have been actively running since 6 years of age.

What got you started on running?
Well, my Mom really started me out running and they figured out how good I was and I developed from then.

What's your typical week of mileage/ training consist of?
My typical mileage week can range between 30 - 35 miles. I just ran what my coach asks me to.

Thoughts on your Coach
My coach is great and he's hot from what all the girls say. He has been there for me since I started running cross country. I have improved so much over the years and I love him for getting me there. But overall, he's a great coach and I recommend him to anyone that needs a coach. He's the best coach I've had over all my years of running.

Favorite/ most memorable race you have run this year/and in your career?
My favorite race from this year was the LSU Invitational. It was my first meet in town this season and I set a personal best time. Plus I got a cool LSU Nike t-shirt.

Are you looking forward/ getting excited about the state meet?
I am ready for the state meet. I just want to let everyone know that they better be ready to compete in the 3A State Cross Country Meet!!

Who do you consider your biggest rival in state both individually and as a team?
I really don't have a rival yet. It's really hard to answer that question, but if my coach tells me the day of the race what girl to watch I will do that and probably beat her.

What's your motivation to keep pushing in races when you're out front alone and know you have it won?
Well my real motivation is my coach and my mother being there for me every mile. I really love my mother and she's been there for me my whole life.

What is/ were your goals for this season/ and do you feel you have met them/will meet them?
I set some very high goals for myself this season and so far I've met them.

Any superstitions? race day rituals?
I just try to concentrate and not focus on how long I have to run , but just on who I have to run against.

What do you do when you are not running/hobbies etc?
I really don't have any hobbies. But when I get away from running I try to hang out with friends and family and just get my mind off of running.

Are you going to continue running in college? Which colleges are you considering?
I am going to run when I'm in college, but I'm still not sure where I will be attending school. I've received offers from a lot of schools and it's great.

Who is someone you look to as a role model (running and non)?
I look up to my Step-Dad and he talks to me before every race. My Mom too, she always tells me good luck before a race and I always listen to her. I can't wait to hear her voice when I'm coming around the corner in first at the state meet.

If you could tell a young and upcoming runner one thing that helped you reach where you are right now what would it be?
Well I would tell them that it takes years to be a champion. It also takes hard work and motivation from friends, coaches, and family and God's glory. Just try as hard as you can and remember a quote that my parents always told me, "Winners Train, Losers Complain"

How's it feel to have the 5th fastest time in Louisiana this year? When you show up to a meet do you feel others are intimidated and how do you keep yourself humble with the amount of success you have enjoyed?
I feel calm and cool because I know I can compete well in any meet so it's no big deal. I really don't hope people cry when they see me step on the line, But I definitely hope that they notice me when I show up to compete.